The Secret Life of Bees
2 journalers for this copy...

I must be one of the few people in America that didn't like this book. Hope it goes to someone who does.

Journal Entry 2 by philomom at Starbucks - See Notes For Details in Portland, Oregon USA on Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Released 17 yrs ago (11/14/2007 UTC) at Starbucks - See Notes For Details in Portland, Oregon USA
On the bookcase.
On the bookcase.

I went hunting for this book at the Starbucks on Capitol and Barbur, and found it right away on the community bookshelf. I have heard way too much "buzz" about this book (ok, bad pun!), but figured I owe it to myself to read it. :-) I hope I find it as good as (most of) the reviews...

I was prepared to dislike this book, after all of the hype about it. No less than TWO reviewers on the back of the book refer to its "deliciously eccentric" qualities! (Is that a popular phrase of which I am unaware?!) In spite of that, the book caught me up in its magic right away. More than just a coming-of-age story, this book is insightful and life-affirming. I read it in a matter of days, and it warmed my spirit. :-)
I plan to release it later this week, when I pay a visit to family in Wisconsin...
I plan to release it later this week, when I pay a visit to family in Wisconsin...

I left this in the back room of Stumpjack Coffee Company, on the top of the community bookshelf.
Released for the 52 towns in 52 weeks challenge (2008).
I left this in the back room of Stumpjack Coffee Company, on the top of the community bookshelf.
Released for the 52 towns in 52 weeks challenge (2008).