De brug

by Geert Mak | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 9789059650466 Global Overview for this book
Registered by chamonix44 of Almelo, Overijssel Netherlands on 9/21/2007
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by chamonix44 from Almelo, Overijssel Netherlands on Friday, September 21, 2007
This is a story about people who live and work on a bridge in Istanbul, (I think)! I read this book but I didn't understand it all, and I didn't find it very interesting, but then, I am English and the book is in Dutch! So maybe I missed a lot of the meaning and story!

Journal Entry 2 by chamonix44 at IKEA in Hengelo, Overijssel Netherlands on Saturday, September 22, 2007

Released 17 yrs ago (9/22/2007 UTC) at IKEA in Hengelo, Overijssel Netherlands


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