
by Phaedra Weldon | Mystery & Thrillers | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0441014976 Global Overview for this book
Registered by EllyMae58 of El Cajon, California USA on 6/12/2007
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by EllyMae58 from El Cajon, California USA on Tuesday, June 12, 2007
First in an excitingly different and new paranormal series. Zo‘ Martinique has turned her unusual ability into a career. When she's traveling, she can't be seen which makes her an ideal professional snoop. Industrial espionage, surveillance, whatever. But one night things get out of hand while she's outof- body. She witnesses a murder and a soul stealing, and discovers she has unwelcome company: Trench- Coat, a ghostly killer who can see and hurt her.

Teaming up with a blue-eyed police detective, she tries to solve the case and improve her love life. She also enlists the support of her psychic mother and the ghostly couple who haunt her house. And with murderers, kidnappers, and a desperate ex-porn star involved, Zo‘ needs all the help she can get.

Journal Entry 2 by EllyMae58 at Public Library - Mira Mesa branch in San Diego, California USA on Monday, August 12, 2013

Released 11 yrs ago (8/12/2013 UTC) at Public Library - Mira Mesa branch in San Diego, California USA


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