Pegasus Bridge: D-Day - the Daring British Airborne Raid

by Stephen E. Ambrose | Nonfiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 074345068x Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingCoffee-1-OBCZwing of Cardiff, Wales United Kingdom on 5/16/2007
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Journal Entry 1 by wingCoffee-1-OBCZwing from Cardiff, Wales United Kingdom on Wednesday, May 16, 2007
'In the early hours of 6th June 1944, a small detachment of British airborne troops stormed the German defence forces and paved the way for the Allied invasion of Europe. Pegasus Bridge was the first engagement of D-Day, the turning point of World War II. This gripping account of it brings to life a daring mission so crucial that, had it been unsuccessful, the entire Normandy invasion might have failed. The author of this book traces each step of the preparations over many months to the minute-by-minute excitement of the hand-to-hand confrontations on the bridge, a story of heroism and cowardice, kindness and brutality.'

Journal Entry 2 by wingCoffee-1-OBCZwing at Pen and Wig pub OBCZ in Cardiff, Wales United Kingdom on Friday, July 27, 2007

Released 17 yrs ago (7/28/2007 UTC) at Pen and Wig pub OBCZ in Cardiff, Wales United Kingdom



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