A Prayer for Owen Meany

by John Irving | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0345361792 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Qantaqa of Dachau, Bayern Germany on 4/12/2007
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8 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Qantaqa from Dachau, Bayern Germany on Thursday, April 12, 2007
One of my favorite books - my choice for the 4th group of the favorite book roundabout. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do and I'm looking forward to your thoughts and comments!

To be sent to gretel100.

Journal Entry 2 by gretel100 from Delmenhorst, Niedersachsen Germany on Friday, April 20, 2007
seit Montag bei mir

Journal Entry 3 by Qantaqa from Dachau, Bayern Germany on Monday, May 21, 2007
Leider haben gretel100 und ich das gleiche Buch für die Gruppe 3 ausgewählt. Daher tausche ich meine beiden Bücher aus und Owen reist fortan in der dritten Gruppe weiter.
Die Reihenfolge:
... und wieder nach Hause zu Qantaqa

Journal Entry 4 by Annadlx from Wiesbaden, Hessen Germany on Saturday, December 22, 2007
arrived today
looking forward to read it... Cheers

Journal Entry 5 by Annadlx from Wiesbaden, Hessen Germany on Sunday, January 6, 2008
This book has made me cry.

At first I was shocked to receive that thick a book and a classic novel at that. So I had trouble starting it which is why I watched the movie that is based on this book (Simon Birch) before reading. I know I should have done it the other way around but at least this way I gave this book a chance which I wasn't inclined to do at first!! And what a treasure this book is! I loved every single minute of reading it.
Thank you for picking this novel!

I'll give it to Jessi626 the next chance I see her. She's in the Netherlands currently, so it might take some time to do so...

Journal Entry 6 by Annadlx at BookRing in -- Per Post/Persönliche Weitergabe--, Hessen Germany on Thursday, January 31, 2008

Released 16 yrs ago (2/2/2008 UTC) at BookRing in -- Per Post/Persönliche Weitergabe--, Hessen Germany



I'll pass the book on next saturday. That'll be the first time I see Jessi626 after her return to good ol Germany. ;) Thanks for being patient.

Journal Entry 7 by Jessi626 from Otterberg, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany on Monday, February 4, 2008
Got it from Annadlx on Saturday.

Journal Entry 8 by Jessi626 from Otterberg, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany on Monday, June 30, 2008
Sorry that the book was with me so long!
I tried it, but it's just not my cup of tea. Before finally deciding against finishing the book I've read some parts in between and they couldn't convince me either.

Edit August, 28th: I'm so sorry, the book is still with me. After I tried to contact bluecat07 (and the PM probably never reached her), I totally forgot about this book! Sorry!

Journal Entry 9 by Jessi626 at on Monday, September 8, 2008

Released 16 yrs ago (9/8/2008 UTC) at



Heute weitergeschickt. Sorry für die Verzögerung! Nachdem ich eine erste PM an bluecat geschickt hatte (die nicht bei ihr ankam), habe ich das Buch total vergessen, bis mich Qantaqa daran erinnert hat...

Journal Entry 10 by bluecat07 from Karben, Hessen Germany on Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ist schon vor einer Weile angekommen während ich 4,5 Wochen im Krankenhaus war. Daher erst jetzt der JE, sorry! Ich kenne das Buch schon, daher kann es auch gleich weiterreisen. Werde Leseratte PMen...

Journal Entry 11 by bluecat07 from Karben, Hessen Germany on Monday, October 13, 2008
Ich habe dieses Buch schon einmal vor Jahren gelesen und fand es ziemlich gut. Da ich es nicht lange aufhalten will, reist es morgen weiter zu Leseratte37...

Journal Entry 12 by Leseratte37 from Eppelheim, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Thursday, October 23, 2008
Arrived good here, I'm not sure if i can read english at the moment. I will try and tell you later

Journal Entry 13 by inkling1 from Basel, Basel-Stadt Switzerland on Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thanks for sending this book- I read Owen Meany in german already, and had planned to re-read
it in English; that was decades ago.

This time I will re-read it.

20.05.09:Finished finally...

Journal Entry 14 by wingkiki66wing from Gauting, Bayern Germany on Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Did you forget me in your list, qantaqa?? :-)

but the book DID get here.. and so I will read asap... I know some Irving's but not this one.

Journal Entry 15 by wingkiki66wing at Gauting, Bayern Germany on Thursday, February 9, 2012
went back today... didn't read it.. too many books waiting to be read :-(

sorry - but since I know where it is I might come back for it!

Journal Entry 16 by Qantaqa at Dachau, Bayern Germany on Sunday, February 12, 2012
After his (almost) five year long journey, Owen is finally back home! I think I'll re-read the book quite soon - I'm excited to see whether I will like it as much as the first time.

Journal Entry 17 by Qantaqa at Dachau, Bayern Germany on Sunday, March 15, 2020

Released 4 yrs ago (3/15/2020 UTC) at Dachau, Bayern Germany


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