24 Hours

by Greg Iles | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 0340770058 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Jessi626 of Otterberg, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany on 4/7/2007
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6 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by Jessi626 from Otterberg, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany on Saturday, April 7, 2007
Will Jennings, his wife and little girl are a happy American family, living in Mississippi. Hickey is a conman and kidnapper. He targets his victims very carefully and takes great pains to make sure no one is ever hurt. He has yet to kill. All his victims have come up with the money and the authorities have never been involved. His perfect record is down to two things: One, he always stays with the parents or person with the money. Two, he never asks for more than they can afford. But when he tries to rip Will's family apart, he gets a lot more than he bargained for...All in one fateful day.

I read the book in German as a ring and liked it very much. So I bought it now for the Lieblingsbuch Ring. I hope you like it too.

Journal Entry 2 by Qantaqa from Dachau, Bayern Germany on Monday, April 23, 2007
Arrived today - thanks a lot! I actually have a copy of my own, but now I can't find it :). I can't remember too much about this book so I'll give it another try.

Journal Entry 3 by Qantaqa from Dachau, Bayern Germany on Wednesday, May 2, 2007
As I already mentioned, I read this book a few years ago and couldn't remember a lot about it. Now that I've re-read it I know why: It was quite entertaining - a real page-turner - but nothing more. One thing that really spoiled the book for me was the ending - THIS I could remember because I didn't like it back then either.

Nonetheless, thanks for giving me the opportunity to re-read this book! And as you can see in the picture, my daughter liked reading the book as well :) - don't worry, I made sure she treated it carefully!
The book is already on its way to bluecat07.

Journal Entry 4 by bluecat07 from Karben, Hessen Germany on Monday, May 7, 2007
Book arrived today. I still have some rings here, but I hope that I will get to this one soon!

Journal Entry 5 by bluecat07 from Karben, Hessen Germany on Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Well, now I finally read it. It was ok, quite good for a thriller but I realize more and more that I like mysteries but prefer to watch thrillers on TV and not read them. I guess it just isn't my genre. But I had some entertaining hours with it.

Thanks for the opportunity to read it, Jessi!

The book is now on its way to Leseratte...

Journal Entry 6 by Leseratte37 from Eppelheim, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Friday, July 20, 2007
This book arrived yesterday and I will try to read it.

edit 6.8.2007
I'm still reading it, but sometimes i have to take a break, because it is so cruelly. grrr. But i will read it until the last page.

Journal Entry 7 by Leseratte37 from Eppelheim, Baden-Württemberg Germany on Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I finished reading this book yesterday evening and it drug me along until his last page.
In the meanwhile i stopped reading because it was so cruelly.
But all together I enjoyed reading this book very much. Thank you Jessi626 for this nice book.

It counts for my lifetime 1 year- 1 country Challenge for United States

Journal Entry 8 by inkling1 from Basel, Basel-Stadt Switzerland on Saturday, August 18, 2007
released the book from my mailbox today (found it crammed in the box) but in good condition.

Nice to have an english book in this ring.
I will allow it a to rest for a while because I have two rings waiting here ;-)

Thanks for sending it

Journal Entry 9 by inkling1 from Basel, Basel-Stadt Switzerland on Friday, August 31, 2007
It was not really dragging me along and I flipped through the last pages, reading zig-zag to get to the ending.A little pesky to read a brand name on every second page; obviously sponsored by McDonald,BMW,Camel cigarettes,Hitachi,Canon,Nokia,... Certainly I missed some

The book is on the way to the next address, but won't be there in 24 hours presumably ;-)

Journal Entry 10 by gretel100 from Delmenhorst, Niedersachsen Germany on Monday, December 3, 2007
sorry! seit ewigkeiten bei mir. Tut mir leid, dass der Eintrag so spät kommt und ich euch damit erschreckt habe

Journal Entry 11 by Jessi626 from Otterberg, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany on Sunday, January 31, 2010
The book is home again. Thanks everyone!

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