Selected Works: Sons and Lovers, The Prussian Officer, Lady Chatterley's Loverr

by D.H. Lawrence | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0517101246 Global Overview for this book
Registered by noumena12 of Dayton, Ohio USA on 4/4/2007
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Journal Entry 1 by noumena12 from Dayton, Ohio USA on Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sons and Lovers
From the Publisher
Called the most widely-read English novel of the twentieth century, D. H. Lawrence's largely autobiographical Sons and Lovers tells the story of Paul Morel, a young artist growing into manhood in a British working-class community near the Nottingham coalfields. His mother Gertrude, unhappily married to Paul's hard-drinking father, devotes all her energies to her son. They develop a powerful and passionate relationship, but eventually tensions arise when Paul falls in love with a girl and seeks to escape his family ties. Torn between his desire for independence and his abiding attachment to his loving but overbearing mother, Paul struggles to define himself sexually and emotionally through his relationships with two women--the innocent, old-fashioned Miriam Leivers, and the experienced, provocatively modern Clara Dawes. Heralding Lawrence's mature period, Sons and Lovers vividly evokes the all-consuming nature of possessive love and sexual attraction. Lushly descriptive and deeply emotional, it is rich in universal truths about human relationships.

The Prussian Officer and Other Stories
From the Publisher
The Prussian Officer and Other Stories (1914) was Lawrence's first collection of stories, and it includes some of his finest and most distinctive fiction. The collection forms a bridge between his apprenticeship in realism, which culminated in Sons and Lovers, and the visionary language and historical sweep of The Rainbow. Lawrence's arrangement of the stories, restored for the first time in this edition, also offers his diagnosis of the development of British society and its literature between 1870 and the outbreak of the First World War. Widely praised stories such as 'Odour of Chrysanthemums', 'Daughters of the Vicar', and 'The Prussian Officer' show people moving from a communal world, in which they battle against poverty, class prejudice, and natural disaster, to a more independent existence, full of potential for both self-fulfilment and self-destruction. These short stories celebrate the vitality that is fundamental to Lawrence's vision of life, and demonstrate the diversity of interests, narrative power, and vivid sense of place and character that distinguish the works of an acknowledged master in the genre.

Lady Chatterley's Lover
From the Publisher
The last, and most famous, of D. H. Lawrence’s novels, Lady Chatterley’s Lover was published in 1928 and banned in England and the United States as pornographic. While sexually tame by today’s standards, the book is memorable for better reasons—Lawrence’s masterful and lyrical prose, and a vibrant story that takes us bodily into the world of its characters.

As the novel opens, Constance Chatterley finds herself trapped in an unfulfilling marriage to a rich aristocrat whose war wounds have left him paralyzed and impotent. After a brief but unsatisfying affair with a playwright, Lady Chatterley enjoys an extremely passionate relationship with the gamekeeper on the family estate, Oliver Mellors. As Lady Chatterley falls in love and conceives a child with Mellors, she moves from the heartless, bloodless world of the intelligentsia and aristocracy into a vital and profound connection rooted in sexual fulfillment.

Through this novel, Lawrence attempted to revive in the human consciousness an awareness of savage sensuality, a sensuality with the power to free men and women from the enslaving sterility of modern technology and intellectualism. Perhaps even more relevant today than when it first appeared, Lady Chatterley’s Lover is a triumph of passion and an erotic celebration of life.

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