Breathing Lessons
Registered by hootnoodle of Olympia, Washington USA on 1/28/2003
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

I bought this from the Friends of the Library for release.

Journal Entry 2 by hootnoodle at -- By Hand Or Post, Ray/Ring, RABCK in Olympia, Washington USA on Thursday, February 6, 2003
Released on Thursday, February 06, 2003 at the home of a relative in Olympia, Washington USA.
My mother chose this from a bag of books I plan to release soon. She will read and release (but probably not journal since she isn't comfortable with computers).
My mother chose this from a bag of books I plan to release soon. She will read and release (but probably not journal since she isn't comfortable with computers).

This book is back in my hands and ready for re-release.

Journal Entry 4 by hootnoodle at Group Health Cooperative, Lilly Road in Olympia, Washington USA on Saturday, May 24, 2003
Released on Saturday, May 24, 2003 at Group Health Cooperative, Lilly Road in Olympia, Washington USA.
2 South staff lunchroom
2 South staff lunchroom

I picked this book up today. This is not a book that I would have picked for myself to read, but I read it because I caught it. About a middle-aged couple, on a trip to a funeral. The wife is always meddling in everyone's life, and
the results are not always what one would wish. On the way back, as a result of her meddling, a side trip with an elderly african-american they almost ran off the road, and a side trip to try to reunite their son and his ex-wife and their granddaughter. The reunion fails, but she realizes the strength of her own marriage.
the results are not always what one would wish. On the way back, as a result of her meddling, a side trip with an elderly african-american they almost ran off the road, and a side trip to try to reunite their son and his ex-wife and their granddaughter. The reunion fails, but she realizes the strength of her own marriage.

Journal Entry 6 by Eskielover at Tumwater Historical Park in Tumwater, Washington USA on Saturday, August 9, 2003
Released on Saturday, August 09, 2003 at Tumwater Historical Park in Tumwater, Washington USA.
Released in a box of books at a picnic and gathering of Letterboxers.
Released in a box of books at a picnic and gathering of Letterboxers.