River Thieves
2 journalers for this copy...
As I can't make the Wellington convention I am taking NZ books to Canada to release the same weekend. In the same vein I thought it would be fun to send a Canadian Novel to the convention to be picked up or released. River Thieves is set in New Foundland & is fact & fiction mixed together - despite everything a good read.
Dropped off at my place today by a friend of Cathietay's. It looks interesting, so it might just have to get caught on its way to the convention ;-)
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Well it never did quite make it to Wellington. I had every intention of taking it up there with me, and hopefully finishing it while I was there so I could release it or pass it on, but in the confusion of packing up the car at some ungodly hour of the morning it somehow got left on my bedside table. Not that I got a lot of reading time in Wellington anyway! :-)
An odd book, really. The story meanders back and forth through time and different points of view, so that often the same incident ends up being told over and over again by different people, each adding their own interpretation. And a lot is left to the reader to guess/assume, which sometimes had me flicking back through the pages trying to find the passage where the scene had been described through another character's eyes, trying to find some extra clues about exactly what was happening. Whether I found that annoying or interesting was directly correlated with how tired I was at the time of reading :-)
There were a few passages of the book that dragged a bit (which possibly explains why it's taken me several weeks to finish it, though that's more to do with the shortage of decent reading time I've had lately), but generally the story was engaging, as well as being a fascinating look at a totally different way of life.
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An odd book, really. The story meanders back and forth through time and different points of view, so that often the same incident ends up being told over and over again by different people, each adding their own interpretation. And a lot is left to the reader to guess/assume, which sometimes had me flicking back through the pages trying to find the passage where the scene had been described through another character's eyes, trying to find some extra clues about exactly what was happening. Whether I found that annoying or interesting was directly correlated with how tired I was at the time of reading :-)
There were a few passages of the book that dragged a bit (which possibly explains why it's taken me several weeks to finish it, though that's more to do with the shortage of decent reading time I've had lately), but generally the story was engaging, as well as being a fascinating look at a totally different way of life.
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Picked up by someone at tonight's meetup.