Friends Forever
by Lyn Andrews | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0755308409 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0755308409 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Molyneux of Oxford, Oxfordshire United Kingdom on 3/15/2007
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

1 journaler for this copy...

Best friends Bernie and Molly are just seventeen when they set off from Ireland in 1928, heading for Liverpool. They quickly find jobs and rooms; soon both women are in love with local men. Tragically, though, Biddy is widowed when she's still barely an adult, while Molly has chosen a bad 'un and faces the deepest shame when he deserts her. But, this difficult start only reinforces the bond between the women, and gives them the strength to build a brighter future...

Reserved for release as part of the Never Judge a Book by its Cover release challenge...'Blue Skies' Week 10

Journal Entry 3 by Molyneux at Telephone Box - details in the notes in Didcot, Oxfordshire United Kingdom on Thursday, March 15, 2007
Released 17 yrs ago (3/15/2007 UTC) at Telephone Box - details in the notes in Didcot, Oxfordshire United Kingdom
On the corner of the road opposite the Co-op
On the corner of the road opposite the Co-op