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Outside Valentine

by Liza Ward | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0701178035 Global Overview for this book
Registered by marcienz of Kimbell, Canterbury New Zealand on 1/8/2007
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by marcienz from Kimbell, Canterbury New Zealand on Monday, January 8, 2007
This copy of the book has a different cover, on account of it being an uncorrected proof.

This story is based on fact, which makes it really scarey. A guy gets a gun and goes on a killing spree over several days, dragging his young girlfriend along. Very well written.

Released 17 yrs ago (10/9/2007 UTC) at Bookcrossing Meetup - details in notes in Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand



I picked this up at a meet up ages ago but just couldn't get into it. It finally found its way to another meet up where it was snaffled up.

Journal Entry 3 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Saturday, October 11, 2008
Strange, it seems I never caught this book whenever it was I acquired it, presumably at a meetup.

Anyway, a great book. I loved the way the author intertwined the lives of the characters, slowly revealing their connections. And she did a great job of making basically unsympathetic people somehow understandable, showing how life had forced them down tracks they weren't able to find a way out of. And always the cold and silence of snow, muffling everything. Skilfully done.

^ ^

Journal Entry 4 by futurecat at Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Released 16 yrs ago (10/14/2008 UTC) at Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand



Given to another bookcrosser at tonight's meetup.

Happy bookcrossing to the finder!

^ ^

P.S. If you live in Christchurch, you might like to join us at our monthly bookcrossing meetups. For details, see the BCNZ Yahoo Group.

Did you know that in April 2009, the World Bookcrossing Convention will be held in Christchurch? Check out the convention website for more details.

Journal Entry 5 by Lytteltonwitch from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Picked up at last nights meeting and will be added to the reading mountain

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