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The Accidental Tourist

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0425092917 Global Overview for this book
Registered by charitygreen of Chicago, Illinois USA on 1/5/2007
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by charitygreen from Chicago, Illinois USA on Friday, January 5, 2007
This story had a melancholy but silly vein. It was a very light, fun read.

Journal Entry 2 by charitygreen at Dorking Road in Brighton, New York USA on Friday, January 5, 2007

Released 18 yrs ago (1/5/2007 UTC) at Dorking Road in Brighton, New York USA



Journal Entry 3 by theJJMay from Rochester, New York USA on Sunday, January 7, 2007
I caught this book from a new friend, and have read it many years ago, probably in 1985, when it came out. It turned me on to Anne Tyler novels and I have read (and been delighted by) all of her work over the years. I plan to read this over, something I don't do often... I don't remember the story! Thanks, neighbor!

Journal Entry 4 by theJJMay from Rochester, New York USA on Saturday, January 20, 2007
I read this book years ago and just read it again and was just as delighted by Anne Tyler's characters as the first time. Whenever I read her books, I always wish they would continue, to see what her characters will do next... many of whom I wish I could know! Try a few of her most recently published. Am sending this book to Ohio to a special someone that might enjoy a book, also to inform her of Maybe she'll join!
PS Thanks, Charitygreen! Also, I did not find the book melancholy, silly,or light! Fun, at times, though! When I think of silly or light, I think of books with Fabio on the cover. We'll have to talk about this!

Journal Entry 5 by wingAnonymousFinderwing on Sunday, February 11, 2007
My sister sent me the book from New York and told me about I read the book and enjoyed it and decided to join.


Journal Entry 6 by NeneThom from Alexandria, Virginia USA on Sunday, February 25, 2007
My husband and I visiting Toledo to care for his ill mother. One afternoon we stopped at a Panera restaurant to pick up dinner for his father. The book was sitting on one of the tables. I brought it back to Alexandria VA but plan to mail it to my sister-in-law back in Toledo who is very anxious to read it. By the way, I, too want to join Book Crossing.


Journal Entry 7 by wingAnonymousFinderwing on Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A relative visiting from Virginia found the book at Panera in Maumee, Ohio. After she read it, she sent it to me in Ohio. I plan to leave the book again at Panera and see who the next lucky reader will be. This is the first time I've read Anne Tyler. I can't wait to get my hands on another novel of hers. She is acutely observant of daily details and human nature. Outstanding book.


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