The Pact

Registered by Kleptokitty on 12/14/2006
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Journal Entry 1 by Kleptokitty on Thursday, December 14, 2006
Picked up a couple by Jodi Picoult today, but imagine it'll be quite a while until I get to them.

14th Nov 2020
When I wrote quite a while I probably didn't imagine that it would be 14 years until I looked at the book again! I discovered a box of books while decluttering my bedroom and I'm slowly working my way through it.
I'm struggling to work out if I'd read this before or whether it was just quite similar to other Jodi Picoult books. A tear jerker in the moment, but I doubt I'll remember it beyond next week.
I discovered a phone box bookshare near Gois school, so I'm collecting my read ones up for a drop off at some point soon.

Journal Entry 2 by Kleptokitty at Caixa de Livro perto Escola de Góis in Góis, Coimbra Portugal on Saturday, November 14, 2020

Released 4 yrs ago (11/14/2020 UTC) at Caixa de Livro perto Escola de Góis in Góis, Coimbra Portugal


I doubt I'll get to drop this off today, but some time soon.

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