Matters of The Heart
3 journalers for this copy...
Received in a box of books to release from gomboggit.
Pre-numbered label used for registration.
Journal Entry 3 by elizardbreath at Bi-Mart, Campbell St. in Baker City, Oregon USA on Saturday, January 27, 2007
Released 17 yrs ago (1/27/2007 UTC) at Bi-Mart, Campbell St. in Baker City, Oregon USA
Left in the parking lot behind a parked car.
Left in the parking lot behind a parked car.
I found the book in BiMart. I work there and found it behind the customer service booth in a baggie. They had it with their lost and found stuff. So I found it and took it home!LOL
Looks alike a good book.
Looks alike a good book.
After I read the book, I set it on the wooden bench that sits in front of the exit door of Bi-Mart. I know someone picked it up since I went out to see in the afternoon!