Visions in Death (In Death)

by J. D. Robb | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 042520300x Global Overview for this book
Registered by nancyluvsbooks of Williamsburg, Virginia USA on 12/9/2006
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by nancyluvsbooks from Williamsburg, Virginia USA on Saturday, December 9, 2006
This is a futuristic series. I couldn't get into it because of the setting in the future, which is generally not my cup of tea. Will release it at today's Christmas meetup so that one of our sci-fi buffs might enjoy it.

Released 18 yrs ago (12/9/2006 UTC) at Bellamy's Deli - 694 N Germantown Pkwy @ Trinity in Cordova, Tennessee USA



Releasing at today's Christmas meetup. Happy reading!

Journal Entry 3 by mississippimom from Olive Branch, Mississippi USA on Sunday, December 10, 2006
Caught this one at the MidSouth BookCrossers meetup and Christmas party today.
What a great time with a great group of gals!
Merry BookCrossing...

Thanks nancyluvsbooks... Looking forward to reading this one!

Journal Entry 4 by mississippimom at Roadway Express in Memphis, Tennessee USA on Thursday, May 7, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (5/7/2009 UTC) at Roadway Express in Memphis, Tennessee USA



Another great Eve Dallas story... took a totally unexpected turn at the end.

Releasing this one at work..
some of the gals have gotten into this series and we're passing them around the office...

This book is my gift to you....

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