Gap Creek: The Story of a Marriage
by Robert Morgan | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0743203631 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0743203631 Global Overview for this book
3 journalers for this copy...

Given to me by a friend to release.

Journal Entry 2 by ottawabill at -- Controlled Release in Burlington, Ontario Canada on Thursday, February 20, 2003
Released on Thursday, February 20, 2003 at Mailed to a fellow bookcrosser in Burlington, Ontario Canada.
mailed to a fellow bookcrosser in Burlington
mailed to a fellow bookcrosser in Burlington

Rec'd this in the mail today from ottawabill ~~~ planning on reading and releasing, perhaps in Thunder Bay during a visit soon!

Promised to a fellow bookcrosser ~~

I received this book in the mail over a month ago. Life has been hectic and I just got around to logging on here! Thanks so much for sending it from Canada... I'll be reading it soon and passing it along.