In the Springtime of the Year
by Susan Hill | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0140041109 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0140041109 Global Overview for this book
3 journalers for this copy...

Journal Entry 1 by Fritos from Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Bayern Germany on Saturday, November 11, 2006
Published 1974, is a brave attempt to express the inexpressible pain of loss.

This one of 3-4 paperbacks from Susan Hill, that I picked up at a library sale, I think last year - 2007. Unfortunatly left to collect dust on my pile of TBR shelf. Since I wanted to donate some books to various conventions, this book along with many others, travels to the spanish bookcrossing convention - Emcuentro. May Qalaat and international booklovers have fun there.

Cazado y reservado para el Emcuentro de Madrid. ¡Gracias! :-)

Journal Entry 4 by emcuentro at V Encuentro Nacional Bookcrossing-eMcuentro in madrid, Spain -- Controlled Releases on Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Released 16 yrs ago (5/3/2008 UTC) at V Encuentro Nacional Bookcrossing-eMcuentro in madrid, Spain -- Controlled Releases
Se liberará en el eMcuentro, en el Paseo de Coches del Retiro
Se liberará en el eMcuentro, en el Paseo de Coches del Retiro

¡Cazado durante el eMcuentro!
¡From Germany!!! ¡Nice!!!
¡From Germany!!! ¡Nice!!!