A Case of Need

by Michael Crichton | Mystery & Thrillers |
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Registered by schnauzer of Ottawa, Ontario Canada on 10/29/2006
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by schnauzer from Ottawa, Ontario Canada on Sunday, October 29, 2006
I liked this one as it pre-dates Roe vs Wade in the US. It was written in 1968. I think it is one a friend gave me when she sold her cottage. I enjoyed that historical twist on the abortion issue. The plot couldn't work out now a days.


Journal Entry 2 by schnauzer at Bridgehead - Bank and Third in Ottawa, Ontario Canada on Sunday, October 29, 2006

Released 18 yrs ago (11/14/2006 UTC) at Bridgehead - Bank and Third in Ottawa, Ontario Canada



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