
by Joe Donnelly | Horror | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0099703009 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingJenny-Gwing of Croydon, Victoria Australia on 10/26/2006
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by wingJenny-Gwing from Croydon, Victoria Australia on Thursday, October 26, 2006
Book passed to me by my daughter during the Adelaide BookCrossing Convention to read prior to release.
From back cover:
"There is a town called Arden. Nestling in the Scottish hills, its tranquility masks a terrifying, chilling secret.

There is a journalist called Ryan. Drawn back to Arden by forces he cannot comprehend, he is the victim of nightmares that seem all too real.

Then there is the watcher who waits for whatever it is that sleeps beneath Ardhmoor rock to wake...and destroy.

Gripped by a horror as ancient as night, Arden will become the gateway to ultimate evil, to a deadly legacy from the mists of the primeval past that will create a hell on earth.

And only Ryan, accompanied by a ten-year-old girl and a brain-damaged man, can stop it."

Journal Entry 2 by wingJenny-Gwing from Croydon, Victoria Australia on Thursday, November 23, 2006
Book has been neatly covered to protect it on its journey, with a 'Take me home, I'm a BookCrossing book' sticker on the front.

Journal Entry 3 by wingJenny-Gwing at Croydon Bake House - 150 Main Street in Croydon, Victoria Australia on Monday, February 7, 2011

Released 14 yrs ago (2/7/2011 UTC) at Croydon Bake House - 150 Main Street in Croydon, Victoria Australia


Book left on inside window ledge at around 4pm Monday, February 7 2010.

Realise I've read this, probably while in Adelaide, and never left a comment. Happy reading anyway.

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