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I'll be Seeing You

by Mary Higgins Clark | Mystery & Thrillers |
ISBN: 1568496036 Global Overview for this book
Registered by AnnevO of Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland Netherlands on 10/21/2006
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by AnnevO from Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland Netherlands on Saturday, October 21, 2006
Broadcast journalist Meghan Collins is used to reporting bizarre tragic tales, but not living them. But then her father disappears following an accident on a bridge, her mother is left in limbo, without the power to convert joint assets she needs to pay the mortgage on their Connecticut inn, and her absent father is a suspect for murder. Meghan's own troubles are somehow intertwined with the Manning Clinic, a pregnancy clinic for infertile couples, and an unidentified dead girl who turned up on a slab in a New York City morgue in this riveting thriller.

Journal Entry 2 by AnnevO from Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland Netherlands on Thursday, June 21, 2007
I really liked this book. I figuered it all out just a few pages before the great finale!

Journal Entry 3 by AnnevO at BC-meeting 1 juli 2007 in Castricum, Noord-Holland Netherlands on Thursday, June 21, 2007

Released 17 yrs ago (7/1/2007 UTC) at BC-meeting 1 juli 2007 in Castricum, Noord-Holland Netherlands



Journal Entry 4 by wingBarbjewing from Gouda, Zuid-Holland Netherlands on Saturday, September 8, 2007
Het boek zou via mij naar Castricum en is daar nooit gekomen, maar bij mij blijven hangen... :-) Ook een goede plek voor een boek!

Journal Entry 5 by wingBarbjewing from Gouda, Zuid-Holland Netherlands on Monday, November 5, 2007
Dit boek heb ik met heel veel plezier gelezen. Je kijkt nooit meer op dezelfde manier tegen IVF aan, maar dat is het risico van lezen ;-) Lekker spannend!

Journal Entry 6 by wingMoemwing from Zevenaar, Gelderland Netherlands on Saturday, July 5, 2008
Meegenomen uit Castricum (waar erg veel boeken waren) om mee te brengen naar OBCZ-Lux voor de openingsmeeting.

Journal Entry 7 by wingMoemwing at Lux OBCZ bookshelf/boekenplank in Nijmegen, Gelderland Netherlands on Saturday, July 5, 2008

Released 16 yrs ago (7/5/2008 UTC) at Lux OBCZ bookshelf/boekenplank in Nijmegen, Gelderland Netherlands



Tijdens de openingsmeeting van deze nieuwe OBCZ!

Journal Entry 8 by wingAnonymousFinderwing on Sunday, September 14, 2008
Plan to take it to Spain on holiday. Seems like an easy and entertaining read.
I'm American and was happy to find a book in English. Thanks


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