Visions in Death (In Death)

by J. D. Robb | Mystery & Thrillers | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 042520300x Global Overview for this book
Registered by CdnBlueRose of Steinbach, Manitoba Canada on 10/3/2006
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by CdnBlueRose from Steinbach, Manitoba Canada on Tuesday, October 3, 2006
From Publishers Weekly
Though not as gripping as the previous installments in Robb's mid–21st-century In Death series (Remember When, etc.), this new offering showcases her many talents. New York policewoman Eve Dallas is on the trail of a serial killer who strangles his young female victims with a red ribbon and removes their eyes postmortem. Dallas and her longtime partner, Detective Peabody, pursue the criminal with wisecracking vigor and old-fashioned police work, assisted as well by Eve's handsome husband, billionaire businessman Roarke, and a beautiful psychic who volunteers to share her chilling visions of the murders. Naturally, the determined Dallas gets her man, though her toughness is shaken along the way by memories of her own childhood abuse, the murderer's vicious attack on Peabody and a surprising 11th-hour revelation. The Thomas Harrisesque mystery resolves rather simply, and the story gets less of an energy boost than usual from the romantic power play between Eve and Roarke and the edgy sci-fi detail that made the earlier books so distinctive. (In fact, the Manhattan of 2059 is oddly old-fashioned, with more homey crafts stores than the New York of 2004.) Nevertheless, the book is a sassy, smart-alecky read, possessing the warm characterizations and witty dialogue that have earned Robb/Roberts her huge and loyal readership.

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Journal Entry 2 by CdnBlueRose from Steinbach, Manitoba Canada on Saturday, November 11, 2006
Mailing out on Monday to ladiibbug - for malagan's mbag. Malagan accepted this book in the Recent Mysteries and Thrillers relay.

Journal Entry 3 by ladiibbug from Paradise, California USA on Tuesday, November 21, 2006
11/21/06 Arrived today for Malagan m-bag - RSVD

Journal Entry 4 by ladiibbug from Paradise, California USA on Tuesday, March 6, 2007
3/6/07 Mailing to Malagan (The Netherlands) via m-bag - TRAV

Journal Entry 5 by malagan from Zutphen, Gelderland Netherlands on Sunday, May 20, 2007
Received as part of the m-bag ladiibbug sent me. Thank you!

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