Back When We Were Grownups (Ballantine Reader's Circle)

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0345446860 Global Overview for this book
Registered by cianna of Surprise, Arizona USA on 1/4/2003
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by cianna from Surprise, Arizona USA on Saturday, January 4, 2003
A novel about second chances. A woman who loses members of her family and gets the opportunity to relive her life.

Journal Entry 2 by cianna from Surprise, Arizona USA on Tuesday, January 7, 2003
Released to colleague. Newark, California.

Journal Entry 3 by joani from Newark, California USA on Saturday, February 22, 2003
I've always appreciated Anne Tyler's novels, she writes so well, but I probably enjoy them more because I grew up near Baltimore. This was a good one, with her very typical cast of odd characters. Her heroine was very likeable andTyler created a marvelous depiction of an elderly man. Anyone who lives with an aged relative will appreciate her humour. But, as in so many of her novels, I was disheartened by the bad manners and inconsiderate behaviour of the heroine's offspring.

I first lent the book to another friend here in Newark and then carried it off with me on a trip home (to Baltimore!). So it has crossed the country and now I've left it with my sister-law in Columbia, Maryland.

Journal Entry 4 by wingAnonymousFinderwing on Friday, February 4, 2005
I caught the book from my sister-in-law who brought it to MD from CA. I took the book with me to London and left it in a tube station.


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