A Child Called 'It': One child's courage to survive
Registered by malagan of Zutphen, Gelderland Netherlands on 9/28/2006
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

This book chronicles the unforgettable account of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. It is the story of Dave Pelzer, who was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games—games that left him nearly dead. He had to learn how to play his mother's games in order to survive, because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; and no longer a boy, but an "it."
Dave's bed was an old army cot in the basement, and his clothes were torn and raunchy. When his mother allowed him the luxury of food, it was nothing more than spoiled scraps that even the dogs refused to eat. The outside world knew nothing of his living nightmare. He had nothing and no one to turn to, but his dreams kept him alive—dreams of someone taking care of him, loving him and calling him their son.
Dave's bed was an old army cot in the basement, and his clothes were torn and raunchy. When his mother allowed him the luxury of food, it was nothing more than spoiled scraps that even the dogs refused to eat. The outside world knew nothing of his living nightmare. He had nothing and no one to turn to, but his dreams kept him alive—dreams of someone taking care of him, loving him and calling him their son.

Journal Entry 2 by malagan at Book Relay in Book Relay, A Book Relay -- Controlled Releases on Saturday, October 14, 2006
Released 18 yrs ago (10/15/2006 UTC) at Book Relay in Book Relay, A Book Relay -- Controlled Releases
Going to BruceAlexander, who chose it from the relays. Enjoy!
Going to BruceAlexander, who chose it from the relays. Enjoy!

Received this lovely book in the mail today, along with some beautiful stamps from the Netherlands. Thank you for sending it to me from all the way across the pond, malagan. I only wish I could have traveled with it...

What a fascinating, but yet sickening, tale. To think that the abuse and torture that David suffered at the hands of his mother was the 3rd worst case in California history...I couldn't begin to fathom what the other poor children may have gone through because David's near drownings, gassings, beatings, starvation, insults, humiliations, stabbings, etc. could not have been any worse! What bravery it took him to write this story, to dredge up the past and face it all over again! I couldn't put this book down and I'm looking forward to reading his two sequels.

Journal Entry 5 by BruceAlexander at Rosie's Restaurant (Conoco Sta.), exit 47 (I-70) in -- Highways, roadsides,services, Colorado USA on Sunday, June 10, 2007
Released 17 yrs ago (6/10/2007 UTC) at Rosie's Restaurant (Conoco Sta.), exit 47 (I-70) in -- Highways, roadsides,services, Colorado USA
On the table by the bathrooms ~
On the table by the bathrooms ~