Bodily Harm (Contemporary classics)

by Margaret Atwood | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0099740818 Global Overview for this book
Registered by blue1236 of Melbourne CBD, Victoria Australia on 9/27/2006
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by blue1236 from Melbourne CBD, Victoria Australia on Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Margaret Atwood is brilliant.

Journal Entry 2 by blue1236 from Melbourne CBD, Victoria Australia on Thursday, August 30, 2007
To be offered in freelunch's VBB.

From inside the front cover:
Rennie Wilford, a young journalist running from her life, takes an assignment to a Carribean island and tumbles into a world where no is what they seem. When the burnt-out Yankee Paul (does he smuggle dope or hustle for the CIA?) offers her a no-hooks, no-strings affair, she is caught up in a lethal web or corruption...

Margaret Atwood has written a thoroughly gripping novel of suspense: the enigma unfolds, not as it would for a clockwork professional spy, but as it would for any innocent bystander swept up by events, bringing along the biases, the scruples and the fears of the past.

Journal Entry 3 by blue1236 from Melbourne CBD, Victoria Australia on Sunday, September 2, 2007
Packed up and ready to be mailed tomorrow to amberC.

Journal Entry 4 by amberC from Darwin, Northern Territory Australia on Monday, September 10, 2007
Arrived today. Thankyou

Journal Entry 5 by amberC from Darwin, Northern Territory Australia on Monday, August 24, 2009
'Bodily Harm' is certainly not the best work by the sometimes brilliant Margaret Atwood. What saves this book are the characterizations and Atwood's stellar prose.

Journal Entry 6 by amberC at, A book trading site -- Controlled Releases on Monday, August 24, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (8/23/2009 UTC) at, A book trading site -- Controlled Releases



Off to Ms September.

I hope you enjoy.

Journal Entry 7 by wingcrimson-tidewing from Balingup, Western Australia Australia on Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I certainly will enjoy, amberC - thanks very much. I'm a great Margaret Atwood fan and this is one I haven't read and don't have on my shelf either. If it wasn't on my wish list, then it should have been.
Thank you.

And thanks also for the very appropriate postcard.
The guy pictured certainly looks like he is about to undergo some serious bodily harm!

A powerfully and brilliantly crafted novel, Bodily Harm is the story of Rennie Wilford, a young journalist whose life has begun to shatter around the edges. Rennie flies to the Caribbean to recuperate, and on the tiny island of St. Antoine she is confronted by a world where her rules for survival no longer apply. By turns comic, satiric, relentless, and terrifying, Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm is ultimately an exploration of the lust for power, both sexual and political, and the need for compassion that goes beyond what we ordinarily mean by love.

Journal Entry 8 by wingcrimson-tidewing at Balingup, Western Australia Australia on Thursday, January 30, 2025
This is a relatively early Atwood novel. Not one of my favourites but still a finely written book, as one would expect. I found it a bit odd to begin with (in an Atwoodian way I guess) but became more invested as the book progressed. A wonderful character study of a young woman who is totally discombobulated by events, and her attempts at a restful recuperation find her naively flailing about in a strange environment where she has no idea of what is going on and who to trust. There are many issues within the story, and lots to think about.

Now reserved as a wishlist tag.

Journal Entry 9 by wingcrimson-tidewing at Balingup, Western Australia Australia on Friday, January 31, 2025

Released 1 wk ago (1/31/2025 UTC) at Balingup, Western Australia Australia


Posting off as a wishlist tag to tklassy. Enjoy!

Journal Entry 10 by wingtklassywing at Mount Barker, South Australia Australia on Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Thank you for sending me this book as part of the Australasia Wishlist Tag Game . Margaret Atwood is a phenomenal writer and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this book.

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