Kate Remembered

by A. Scott Berg | Biographies & Memoirs | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0399151648 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Auntdia of North Las Vegas, Nevada USA on 8/26/2006
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Journal Entry 1 by Auntdia from North Las Vegas, Nevada USA on Saturday, August 26, 2006
Hard back copy. Back cover: This book is...not a critical study of either Katherine Hepburn's life or her career. It is, rather, as true an account of her life as I can present, based on countless hours of private conversations during which she reminisced. Even more than recalling events, Miss Hepburn often used our time together to reflect, an exercise in which I don't think she indulged with anybody else. And so, more than my remembrances, this book intends to convey hers.

-from the Author's Note

Journal Entry 2 by Auntdia from North Las Vegas, Nevada USA on Thursday, July 16, 2009

Journal Entry 3 by Auntdia at Orange Park, Florida USA on Sunday, May 23, 2010

Released 14 yrs ago (5/26/2010 UTC) at Orange Park, Florida USA



Sending to a bookmoocher in Florida. Enjoy!

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