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A Child Called 'It': One child's courage to survive
by Dave Pelzer | Biographies & Memoirs | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 1558743669 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 1558743669 Global Overview for this book
Registered by sweetestgoodbye of Lafayette, Colorado USA on 7/20/2006
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

3 journalers for this copy...

Rescued this from the books my mom put on our yard sale last summer.

I finished this book but I don't know where I put it. I'm kind of in the process of moving so I know it's in my possession, just don't know where.
Anyway, this book made me want to know if his mother was ever punished for the things she did to him. And why did she single him out from his brothers? Guess I'll have to read his other books to find out.
Anyway, this book made me want to know if his mother was ever punished for the things she did to him. And why did she single him out from his brothers? Guess I'll have to read his other books to find out.

Sent this yesterday to elle311. Thanks for the trade!

Woo Hoo!!! This was one of four books I received in the mail yesterday. Will be read soon. Thanks for the trade sweetestgoodbye ;)

A friend warned me that I may not want to read this because the story is so disturbing...but knowing that this boy survived in the end and is an inspiration to others, especially other victims of abuse made me want to read it. The cruelty of the mother is horrifying simply because she is the one person Dave should have been able to trust with his life. You have to wonder why did she zero in on him and what had happened to her that hurt her so much that she ends up almost killing her own child? The easy answer is alcoholism but there is much more to her story. Hopefully, I will find out. Thankfully, I have the other two books to read next.

This book will soon be on its way to a new OBCZ in Michigan...I have been blessed with the generosity of several BCer's who have sent me books for my OBCZ, and I wanted to pay back that kindness by sending books to them.
Good luck with your new OBCZ, cartergirl97!
Good luck with your new OBCZ, cartergirl97!

On its way to cartergirl97 for her new OBCZ...Happy travels, little book!

Received from elle311 for my new OBCZ. Thanks SO much!

Journal Entry 9 by cartergirl97 at Panera Bread in Chesterfield, Michigan USA on Saturday, January 31, 2009
Released 16 yrs ago (1/31/2009 UTC) at Panera Bread in Chesterfield, Michigan USA
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Have a great day and may you always have a good book to read and great friends to share it with!
Dear Book Finder, Welcome to BookCrossing!
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For more information about BookCrossing, check out the FAQs on the homepage. For more information about me (cartergirl97) or any other reader of this book, just click on that person’s screen-name.
Have a great day and may you always have a good book to read and great friends to share it with!