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We Need to Talk About Kevin

by Lionel Shriver | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 1852428899 Global Overview for this book
Registered by raeliz64 of Leicester, Leicestershire United Kingdom on 7/1/2006
Buy from one of these Booksellers: | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon IT |
6 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by raeliz64 from Leicester, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Saturday, July 1, 2006
From the back of the book -
"Shortly before his sixteenth birthday, Kevin Khatchadourian kills seven of his fellow high-school students, a cafeteria worker and a teacher. He is visited in prison by his mother, Eva, who narrates in a series of letters to her estranged husband, Franklin, her account of Kevin's upbringing."

At first I thought I was going to find this book really depressing, but I'm so glad I persevered with it - a really powerful piece of writing. I guessed the ending quite early on, but it was still shocking. This will stay with me for a long time, I think.

Journal Entry 2 by raeliz64 from Leicester, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Tuesday, July 4, 2006
This one is going out on a bookring. Participants are:

FutureCat (NZ)
froggirlwendy (Aus)
Sugaryfun (Aus)
jblueafterglow (Can)
GorgeousGlo (USA)
Luintaurien (USA)
wyjane (UK)
Tazzell (UK)
jacksmum2004 (UK)
Back to me

WHEN YOU RECEIVE THE BOOK please make a journal entry so everyone knows it has safely arrived. Try to read the book within a month if possible, remember there are people waiting to read the book.
WHEN YOU FINISH THE BOOK, make another journal entry telling us what you thought - did you like it? Did you think it was well-written?
CONTINUE THE BOOKRING by sending a Private Message to the person after you on the bookring list and request their postal address.

Journal Entry 3 by raeliz64 from Leicester, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Thursday, July 6, 2006
Posted to FutureCat today.

Journal Entry 4 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Monday, July 10, 2006
Arrived safely in New Zealand today. I've just about finished the book I'm currently reading, so I should be able to make a start on this one within a few days.

^ ^

Journal Entry 5 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Saturday, July 15, 2006
Like raeliz64, I guessed the ending early on, but I agree, that didn't detract from the power of the book. In fact, it was possibly a little too powerful - I was reading it while waiting for a bus this afternoon, and I realised I was watching a couple of teenage boys slouching nearby and wondering if they were potential Kevins... Not a book to make you think kindly of your fellow humans.

Anyway, a fascinating story, and I really liked the way that the author wasn't afraid to leave the big questions unanswered.

^ ^

Journal Entry 6 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sorry, forgot to make a journal entry at the time, but I posted the book to froggirlwendy in mid-July.

Journal Entry 7 by froggirlwendy from Bracken Ridge, Queensland Australia on Thursday, September 14, 2006
HAND DELIVERED TODAY BY COURIER!!! YAY!!!! Happy dance. This book has been 'in transit' since July from NZ to Oz!?!? After much hassling of Australia Post it was finally tracked down in head office 'lost property' basket which is where property that is accidentally lost in the post office is sent. The only explanation I could get was that 'the packaging must have become damaged during sorting and the contents separated from the outer addressed packaging' and 'books are often accidentally left in post offices and are then sent to lost property' - I wonder how many other BXing books are in lost property baskets?? Funny point is that there is still a card in the front of the book from Raeliz64 - strange it never got separated as well.

Anyway..... thankyou so much to Raeliz64 & FutureCat for sending it my way and for your help in trying to track it down. Due to the long time it has already been on the loose, if I can't read it withone one week I will PM the next in line and send it on. Hugs.

Journal Entry 8 by raeliz64 from Leicester, Leicestershire United Kingdom on Friday, September 15, 2006
I'm so glad it has been found.
Please don't worry about sending the book on quickly. Read and enjoy.

Journal Entry 9 by froggirlwendy from Bracken Ridge, Queensland Australia on Monday, October 23, 2006
I struggled to get into this at first but once I did, it kept me interested. Yes, I also saw the ending coming but it didn't make the book any less enjoyable. Certainly enforces the point that most parents do the best job they know how to do and can still 'fail' for a lot of reasons. Thanks raeliz64 for sharing this one with me - so glad it didn't disappear into a postal black hole.

On its way to sugaryfun.

Journal Entry 10 by Sugaryfun from Brisbane, Queensland Australia on Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Just a quick note to say it arrived safely. I can't start reading it right away, as things are a tad hectic (it's near the end of uni semester for me and I have loads of assignments/exams) but I'll get on to it as soon as I can. Thanks to Raeliz, and to Froggirlwendy for sending it on.

Journal Entry 11 by Sugaryfun from Brisbane, Queensland Australia on Thursday, November 23, 2006
I finished it this afternoon. Like Raeliz64 and FutureCat, I also guessed the ending pretty early on, but the story's well told, so that didn't matter. It's not a *pleasant* read, but it's impressive.

I've PM'd jblueafterglow for an address.

Journal Entry 12 by Sugaryfun from Brisbane, Queensland Australia on Tuesday, December 5, 2006
I'm really sorry, I meant to post this over a week ago, but I've found myself suddenly busy with work. I finally sent it this afternoon.

Journal Entry 13 by jblueafterglow from Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada on Monday, December 18, 2006
The book is here! Arrived today, much earlier than I expected it to. Thanks for sending it Sugaryfun, and for the postcard. I've traveled to and around Australia, but Brisbane was one place we didn't visit.

Sidenote - from when I first heard of this book, until five minutes ago when I looked at the first couple of pages, I had thought the author was male. I blame Lionel Richie.

Was about to start a new book. Now it will be this one.

Journal Entry 14 by jblueafterglow from Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada on Saturday, January 6, 2007
Finished this morning. I was reading just a little at a time at first, but consumed more at each reading as the story progressed. Like most (all?) of you before me, I guessed the ending early on. My mom had kept raving about this book since reading it many months ago, calling it the best book she's read in years. It was the style of writing that she loved. And the nature/nuture thing. There were a lot of little things I liked about this book. Kevin's character was well-formed, through the many stories of his childhood, looked at from both parents' differing points of view. The theme of meaninglessness was well done.

Thanks raeliz64 and Sugaryfun. I'll be PMing GorgeousGlo right now...

Journal Entry 15 by jblueafterglow from Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada on Tuesday, January 9, 2007
GorgeousGlo asked to be skipped. The book is being put in the mail tomorrow - destination Luintaurien.

It was interesting having Kevin and his mom make many references to other school shootings, all of which actually happened. The names of the Columbine students, and Kip Kinkel, were instantly recognizable.

Also, I recommend the movie Elephant, which focuses on the same topic - Tagline: An ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.

Journal Entry 16 by Luintaurien from York, Nebraska USA on Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Got it today. Thank you. Will read and pass on ASAP.

Journal Entry 17 by Luintaurien from York, Nebraska USA on Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sending out when I get the address.

Journal Entry 18 by Luintaurien from York, Nebraska USA on Wednesday, April 4, 2007
soulbalm asked to be skipped. Pming the next person

Journal Entry 19 by Luintaurien from York, Nebraska USA on Thursday, April 5, 2007
teachie asked to be skippied. PMing the next person.

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