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Breathing Lessons
by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
3 journalers for this copy...

Recieved in a load of 50 boxes of books saved from being thrown out at the end of a library book sale.

Received through appaloosatb Project Emancipate Tomes (PET) project. I cannot stand the thought of books being thrown out so I do what I can with appaloosatb's help to save as many books as I can! Thanks for all your hard work and thanks fo everyone who helped you!
Breathing Lessons is the wonderfully moving and surprising story of Ira and Maggie Moran. She's impetuous, harum-scarum, easy-going; he's competent, patient, seemingly infallible. They've been married for 28 years. Now, as they drive from their home in Baltimore to the funeral of Maggie's best friend's husband, Anne Tyler shows us all there is to know about a marriage - the expectations, the disappointments, the way children can create storms in a family, the way a wife and husband can fall in love all over again, the way nothing really changes.
Breathing Lessons is the wonderfully moving and surprising story of Ira and Maggie Moran. She's impetuous, harum-scarum, easy-going; he's competent, patient, seemingly infallible. They've been married for 28 years. Now, as they drive from their home in Baltimore to the funeral of Maggie's best friend's husband, Anne Tyler shows us all there is to know about a marriage - the expectations, the disappointments, the way children can create storms in a family, the way a wife and husband can fall in love all over again, the way nothing really changes.

Journal Entry 3 by
at Bookbox in Book Box, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases on Thursday, November 2, 2006

Released 18 yrs ago (11/2/2006 UTC) at Bookbox in Book Box, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases
Releasing into my Already Been Crossed Bookbox Round 2
Releasing into my Already Been Crossed Bookbox Round 2

Removing from Tribefan's Already Been Crossed Book Box.