The Secret Life of Bees
14 journalers for this copy...

This is one of the morning shows' reading club books, which usually doesn't make a book more appealing to me. However, since I have such an interest in bees, and this book has a gorgeous cover, I bought it. Haven't read it yet.

This will be going to alsgal in exchange for "Shopgirl."

Wonderful read. Not like anything I've read in recent years, probably because I tend avoid mother/daughter stories. But this struck a chord with me. Perhaps because of the bees, which are the subject of a huge research project I've been dwadling over for years. But perhaps because it is well written, and not at all sticky sweet, just the right sweetness. Anyway, I will probably get another copy to keep with all my bee books.

Received today from zmrzlina in the mail. Adding to my already overpopulated TBR pile!

I just finished reading this for my book club. I really liked this book & can't wait to discuss it with my friends.
Update 8/24/2004 - reserved for funkybamboozle
Update 8/24/2004 - reserved for funkybamboozle

Sending off to funkybamboozle. Happy Reading!

Journal Entry 7 by Funkybamboozle from Sydney CBD, New South Wales Australia on Friday, November 12, 2004
look what I got! Look what i got! Look what I got, just now!!!
Im so excited!! Ive been waiting for this book for a little while, and I am so thrilled to finally have it in my possession.
As a consequence, its going to the top of my reading pile.
Im so excited!! Ive been waiting for this book for a little while, and I am so thrilled to finally have it in my possession.
As a consequence, its going to the top of my reading pile.

I really enjoyed this book....soothing (spelling?)..

Journal Entry 9 by Funkybamboozle from Sydney CBD, New South Wales Australia on Saturday, February 19, 2005
Well I received this book back on my desk this week. I had passed it on to "Friend A" but received it back from "Friend D"....everyone seemed to love it. In fact, one friend who NEVER reads polished it off in ONE night!!! She said it was the best book she had EVER read. ( a slight exaggeration I think, but a lovely read!)
Bookring - The Secret Life of Bees . (Aussie/NZ Ring Only)
13. luckydipper
Bookring - The Secret Life of Bees . (Aussie/NZ Ring Only)
13. luckydipper

Released 19 yrs ago (2/28/2005 UTC) at
mailed out to aussieangel2 - the first person on my list!!
mailed out to aussieangel2 - the first person on my list!!

Journal Entry 11 by aussieangel2 from Dayton, Western Australia Australia on Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Just arrived in the mail yesterday. I have another book to read first and then will start on this one. I'll journal again when I've finished.

Sorry to have held this up for so long. I haven't got around to reading it but located a copy through bookrelay instead. I had pm'd woosang for her address and then completely forgot to send it.
Finally got it posted today.
Finally got it posted today.

got 4 bookrings in my mail box at the same time. I have tried to start this book, but with the pressure of 3 other's waiting I am struggling.
I am finding this book a difficult read, I know everyone else loves it but so far I do not. Oh well I will give it another week or so and send it on. POssibly get it sent back later so I can try again.
Will do my best.
got 4 bookrings in my mail box at the same time. I have tried to start this book, but with the pressure of 3 other's waiting I am struggling.
I am finding this book a difficult read, I know everyone else loves it but so far I do not. Oh well I will give it another week or so and send it on. POssibly get it sent back later so I can try again.
Will do my best.

received in the post today, many thanks. I'm actually heading off to Canada on Sunday so will do some quick reading then decide whether to pass it before I go or be naughty and hold onto it for a few weeks. :-)

I'm journalling at the halfway mark only because something struck me and I might forget by the end of the story, or may have completely changed my mind. I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far and am noticing many subtle parallels in this story to the classic "Huck Finn" -- their parental heritage, their escape, their companion and the people they first meet on the journey. Even their attitude toward African Americans are somewhat similar if you give a slight adjustment for the times. I wonder if this was at all intentional?

Well the rest of the story was not like Huck Finn.
This whole book has an atmosphere as thick and rich as honey, the symbolism of the Black Madonna was used so effectively and the writer's theme was strong right through to the end. What a fantastic first novel. Like many others, I'm looking forward to reading her next novel.
This whole book has an atmosphere as thick and rich as honey, the symbolism of the Black Madonna was used so effectively and the writer's theme was strong right through to the end. What a fantastic first novel. Like many others, I'm looking forward to reading her next novel.

Journal Entry 17 by flitterby from Reynella, South Australia Australia on Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Arrived in mail today. I have one book ahead of it in my TBR pile then will get right into it. Thanks so much for including me in this book ring!

This book wasn't what I expected, but it was a fascinating read. My paternal grandfather was a beekeeper, and all the little old ladies in the small town he lived in thought he had beautiful skin because of the bees and honey. Meanwhile my mother's mother died when she was only two years old and one of the few rare treasures my Mom had of her was a long beeswax candle. Her father was a distant man, with a mean streak, but I don't think as mean as T.Ray was in this book. This book really struck a chord with me.

Journal Entry 19 by flitterby at by mail in To the next participant, A Bookring -- Controlled Releases on Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Released 19 yrs ago (8/24/2005 UTC) at by mail in To the next participant, A Bookring -- Controlled Releases
Sending off to Puppymummy!
Sending off to Puppymummy!

Arrived safely in Melbourne today, there are three ahead but I will get to it soon!

This was just wonderful. It was the right level of sweetness and warmth, I really loved reading it. Thanks so much to funkybamboozle for sharing it - and thanks to flitterby for passing it on and the wonderful bookmark!
This will be in the mail tomorrow.
This will be in the mail tomorrow.

Thanks Puppymummy for sending this book on to me. Based on the reviews this copy has received, I'm really looking forward to reading it.

I really loved this book. It had a great storyline, and the writing style is just so warm. It felt really cosy! I love the Ya-Yas so it was interesting to read more stories from the American South.
Off to Fleebo in today's post.
Off to Fleebo in today's post.

Received in the mail today. Thanks! I was a bit worried by the BCID, which is shorter than any other I've ever seen but works just fine... this book has been travelling for a long, long time.

I enjoyed this. I was looking for a lighter read than some of the other books I've had lately... but this wasn't as light as I expected. A good solid story about good solid people during changing times.
Thanks. Will pass it on very soon.
Thanks. Will pass it on very soon.

Arrived safely in Ngatea, with a lovely postcard from Fleebo

An easy relaxing read, I actually read the book the day it arrived. The character of Lily started to irritate me slightly after a while. Too much self-pity and too self absorbed.
I liked the bits and pieces about the bees though, also I liked the characters of the sisters.
Thank you for sharing this enjoyable read Funkybamboozle!
Posted to Star-light Monday 19 December
I liked the bits and pieces about the bees though, also I liked the characters of the sisters.
Thank you for sharing this enjoyable read Funkybamboozle!
Posted to Star-light Monday 19 December

Book arrived safely today. Thanks for the Christmas card, Pluisje!

A great story about healing the soul and finding strength within yourself. This book gave me such a nice, warm-fuzzy feeling! I especially liked the quotations at the beginning of each chapter about bees.
3 Feb 2006 - Posted to lnm72 today.
3 Feb 2006 - Posted to lnm72 today.

Received yesterday and started it on the Ferry this morning.
Thanks star-light!
Thanks star-light!

OK, it didn't take me this long to read!
It's been a while and even at the time so I couldn't quite put my finger on what I liked about it so much. The strength of the main character to do something about her life - even though she wasn't sure what - was quite inspiring. You just wanted her to find herself and felt excited to be along for the ride.
The different effects her presence had on the three "calendar" sisters was an interesting discovery of how everything we do has the potential to change someone else's life - for better or for worse.
Thanks BrisKJJ for the recommendation!
It's been a while and even at the time so I couldn't quite put my finger on what I liked about it so much. The strength of the main character to do something about her life - even though she wasn't sure what - was quite inspiring. You just wanted her to find herself and felt excited to be along for the ride.
The different effects her presence had on the three "calendar" sisters was an interesting discovery of how everything we do has the potential to change someone else's life - for better or for worse.
Thanks BrisKJJ for the recommendation!