Sofie Metropolis

by Tori Carrington, Anna Fields | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0786180501 Global Overview for this book
Registered by needmorezoloft of Detroit, Texas USA on 4/10/2006
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12 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by needmorezoloft from Detroit, Texas USA on Monday, April 10, 2006

Created for:

EDIT: This is not a pirated copy. It was purchased from and burned to disk.

Journal Entry 2 by needmorezoloft from Detroit, Texas USA on Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Picked up on the FIRST Virtual Audiobook Box by Cougmax


Sending on


sending on

Journal Entry 5 by cougmax from Seattle, Washington USA on Saturday, May 20, 2006
arrived safe, thank you!

Journal Entry 6 by cougmax from Seattle, Washington USA on Thursday, August 24, 2006
pretty silly audio. I do agree that the author tries to make a "Greek" Janet Evanovich novel. The author even referes to Evanovich in the book saying that "Sophie has read all her books and relaxs by reading her favorite one over and over while sitting in the tub." There was so much build up from the beginning that I thought the ending would be a big show, but it fell flat and just wrapped everything up neatly, not very exciting. I don't think Sophie will have twelve novels as Evanovich's character now has...

off to lilmataz audio box

Journal Entry 7 by jcm from Lisle, Illinois USA on Sunday, October 7, 2007
from carlissa's audio bookbox

Released 16 yrs ago (6/9/2008 UTC) at Controlled Release in Controlled Release, A Bookcrossing member -- Controlled Releases



Into Batty14's bookbox.

Journal Entry 9 by batty14 from Schuylerville, New York USA on Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Arrived home in my "Fiction Only" Audio Box. Thank you!

Journal Entry 10 by batty14 at Ballston Spa, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases on Thursday, March 12, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (3/14/2009 UTC) at Ballston Spa, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases



Sending off in BigJohnLefty's cd-only audiobox.

Journal Entry 11 by BigJohnLefty from Des Moines, Iowa USA on Tuesday, April 20, 2010
This title came to me yesterday when my bookbox returned, and I am looking forward to listening to it....

Journal Entry 12 by BigJohnLefty at Des Moines, Iowa USA on Sunday, July 4, 2010
This was a really good book -- I don't know who read it but for some reason I kept picturing friend rasher.

Journal Entry 13 by BigJohnLefty at Des Moines, Iowa USA on Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Released 14 yrs ago (7/6/2010 UTC) at Des Moines, Iowa USA


It's time to set this one free -- enjoy!Putting this into a CD only audio book box.

Journal Entry 14 by k00kaburra at San Jose, California USA on Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I was really surprised when I saw this in the bookbox, because when I saw burned CDs I immediately thought pirated audio books. When I posted on the forums asking what to do, a couple of Bookcrossers pointed out that some audiobook-selling websites, like, do allow users to burn one physical copy of the books they purchase. I'm going to assume that's what happened here. I learned something new today!

Anyway. Never really got into the Evanovich books, so I don't think this one would appeal to me, either.

This book enjoyed a brief stop in San Jose, California before continuing its travels in booklady331's CD Only Bookbox!

Journal Entry 15 by wingbooklady331wing at Cape Coral, Florida USA on Friday, January 21, 2011
arrived home with my CD only bookbox. I will take it out to listen to.

Journal Entry 16 by wingbooklady331wing at Cape Coral, Florida USA on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
So like the Stephanie Plum series I had to remind myself it wasn't. Here are a few ways it is a copy of Evonvich's work:

The parallels between the Plum series and this book are too many to count, but to name few:

1) Both leads work on the fringes of law enforcement (bounty hunter v. private investigator).
2) Both leads have sexy foreign "helpers" who send mixed romantic signals.
3) Both stumble into gun fights or other dangerous situations.
4) Both leads have eccentric families and mothers who think they don't eat enough.

I will find this a new home, but probably won't read another in the series unless it somehow ends up in my possession.

Enjoy! Going into BigJohnLefty's CD only bookbox to replace The Romanov Prophecy

Journal Entry 18 by wingbooklady331wing at Cape Coral, Florida USA on Tuesday, March 6, 2012
This book has made a short stop at my house -- its second time here. It will continue on its journey until it finds its new home.

Journal Entry 19 by Moody-Blue at McDonald, Tennessee USA on Sunday, March 25, 2012
I nabbed this one out of BigJohnLefty's CD-only Audio Bookbox. Thanks to everyone for participating and passing along some great choices!

I checked out the reviews before picking it and I don't think I'll be bothered by similarities with the Stephanie Plum novels because I haven't read any of them! :)

Journal Entry 20 by Moody-Blue at Meers, Oklahoma USA on Sunday, August 23, 2015
Well, apparently the reason I've never read the Stephanie Plum books is because I'm just not that into P.I. stories. Trying to identify why, I think it's just because I know I'm being played -- that the author knows all of the answers but simply won't divulge them in a timely manner. So, that part of the book was annoying to me. I did like the Greek angle, even though it is soooo similar to the Greek Wedding family I often forgot they weren't one and the same. Maybe stereotypes of the Greek culture are more truth than fiction?

Journal Entry 21 by Moody-Blue at Meers, Oklahoma USA on Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Offered up and claimed during round 24 of iwillrejoice's Audio VBB. Enjoy!

Journal Entry 22 by tostle at Salt Lake City, Utah USA on Friday, December 25, 2015
Arrived! Thanks for sharing this book!

Journal Entry 23 by askmargaret at Salt Lake City, Utah USA on Saturday, January 30, 2016
Margaret started this book...didn't finish!

Journal Entry 24 by HI77 at Fort Myers, Florida USA on Sunday, March 21, 2021
We call out to our ancestors,

and we hope they answer
and we hope they don't.

Journal Entry 25 by HI77 at Fort Myers, Florida USA on Friday, July 9, 2021

Released 3 yrs ago (7/8/2021 UTC) at Fort Myers, Florida USA


This lucky little audiobook has become part of HI77's Audio BookBox #2!

Hopefully it will find many new readers to enjoy it! ;)

Journal Entry 26 by wingrebekkilawing at Charleston, South Carolina USA on Sunday, September 19, 2021
caught in the audio bookbox.

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