The Last Templar
2 journalers for this copy...

I find the Templar mythology and legends very interesting and read most fiction and nonfiction that I can get my hands on. This book was violent in many parts, unnecessarily so. The setting is modern day NY. From the beginning, beheadings, burning people alive, etc. and other grusome acts made this book hard to stomach since it not in my opinion add anything to the plot. I did not end up finishing the book because of the gore, so the interesting parts of the plot were not enough to carry me through what could have been a very good story.

Sent to VA as RABCK.
Sent to VA as RABCK.

Thank you, I love "search for lost secrets of the ages" type books. This one looks especially good.
(later) Well-paced adventure thriller with an emphasis on thriller -- think unrealistic actions such roller-coaster plot devices as being attacked by the CIA / Vatican during a storm while diving for the lost secret treasure. Nor did I believe the final portion where the archaeologist tosses the remaining piece of the document over the edge of the cliff. Anyone but an archaeologist!
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(later) Well-paced adventure thriller with an emphasis on thriller -- think unrealistic actions such roller-coaster plot devices as being attacked by the CIA / Vatican during a storm while diving for the lost secret treasure. Nor did I believe the final portion where the archaeologist tosses the remaining piece of the document over the edge of the cliff. Anyone but an archaeologist!
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