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Wicked Charleston: The Dark Side of the Holy City

by Mark R. Jones | Home & Garden |
ISBN: 1596290765 Global Overview for this book
Registered by wingbookczukwing of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA on 2/23/2006
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This book is in the wild! This Book is Currently in the Wild!
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Journal Entry 1 by wingbookczukwing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA on Thursday, February 23, 2006
I picked up this copy of Wicked Charleston in preparation for skyring's visit in Australia. I'm hoping to be able to ask the author to sign it, and also hoping to take skyring on the Wicked Charleston tour. Seems like it would be his cuppa!

Any book that begans with the quote: "A man with an erection heeds no advice," has got to be a fun read.

Wicked Charleston is the history of drinking, prostitution, murder, wayward ministers, lesbian pirates and crime & punishment of Charleston, SC from 1670 thru 1840. Populated by shady characters and filled with historically documented cases of wenching, slave rebellions and the "Greatest Whoremaster in England".

Released 4 yrs ago (12/11/2020 UTC) at Charleston County Library - Main Branch 75 Calhoun in Charleston, South Carolina USA


Clearing our bookshelves. Happy pandemic.
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