'Tis: A Memoir
1 journaler for this copy...

I'm 3/4 of the way through and loving it. It is of the "coming of age in America" gendre. Being Irish it is full of bearly repressed shy sexuality. McCourt takes to heart the maxim to write from what you know. The why of why I like it so much is McCourt's habit of taking a naively blurted out idea, a new experience for his young lead character who emigrates on his own to New York and weaving it repeatedly through the narrative. It makes the cross-cultural surprisingly and sometimes painfully evident. I wish I could give you an example. You'll just have to read it. I never give a book this high a ranking unless I enjoy the writing style , the way language is used. So for example The English Patient is a book I would give a 10 because no only is it a good plot, with excellent character development, but it is also beautiful to read.

Released 18 yrs ago (2/27/2006 UTC) at