The Porcupine
by Julian Barnes | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 033032828x Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 033032828x Global Overview for this book
Registered by Rivercassini of -- Somewhere in London 🤷‍♀️ , Greater London United Kingdom on 2/3/2006
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

1 journaler for this copy...

Journal Entry 1 by Rivercassini from -- Somewhere in London 🤷‍♀️ , Greater London United Kingdom on Friday, February 3, 2006
This book came from a large lot we recently bought at auction but unfortunately it is not suitable for our shop stock, so is going to be "book-crossed", so that someone else may enjoy it.

Journal Entry 2 by Rivercassini at Charlecote Grove Grand Book Giveaway in Sydenham, Greater London United Kingdom on Friday, June 6, 2008
Released 16 yrs ago (6/6/2008 UTC) at Charlecote Grove Grand Book Giveaway in Sydenham, Greater London United Kingdom
There's going to be a small table top sale in Charlecote Grove (SE26) during the afternoon of 7th June (weather permitting). I'm going to set out a table or two with books for sale (almost all books 50p each or three for a pound). This book will be one of them. Any bookcrossers who come along can swap one registered book for as many as they wish to take away without charge of course.
If you take a shine to a particular book, please send me a message before the day and I can put the book to one side for you.
Dear Finder of this book,
I'm so glad it has found a home with you. I hope you enjoy reading it and that you might take a few moments to jot down here what you thought about the book, or about finding it, or about bookcrossing.
You don't have to join or sign up to bookcrossing to leave a comment here but if you do join, you will receive emails to alert you when others make a journal entry for this book and track its travels across the world. If you decide to join bookcrossing, now that you have discovered the site, I'd be delighted if you would mention me - Rivercassini - as the person who introduced you to the site.
Happy reading
There's going to be a small table top sale in Charlecote Grove (SE26) during the afternoon of 7th June (weather permitting). I'm going to set out a table or two with books for sale (almost all books 50p each or three for a pound). This book will be one of them. Any bookcrossers who come along can swap one registered book for as many as they wish to take away without charge of course.
If you take a shine to a particular book, please send me a message before the day and I can put the book to one side for you.
Dear Finder of this book,
I'm so glad it has found a home with you. I hope you enjoy reading it and that you might take a few moments to jot down here what you thought about the book, or about finding it, or about bookcrossing.
You don't have to join or sign up to bookcrossing to leave a comment here but if you do join, you will receive emails to alert you when others make a journal entry for this book and track its travels across the world. If you decide to join bookcrossing, now that you have discovered the site, I'd be delighted if you would mention me - Rivercassini - as the person who introduced you to the site.
Happy reading