Seven Years In Tibet

by heinrich harrer | Travel |
ISBN: 0874778883 Global Overview for this book
Registered by SupremeGoddess of Modesto, California USA on 11/11/2002
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Journal Entry 1 by SupremeGoddess from Modesto, California USA on Monday, November 11, 2002
If you saw the movie (or not) now read the book. It was an incredible feat of stregth and courage for Harrer and his companion to hike from No. India across the Himalayas (in winter) and on to Lhasa. Harrer's accounts of the Tibetans are truly amazing. It is a travesty what China has done to Tibet, join the International Committee for Tibet and find out more.

Journal Entry 2 by SupremeGoddess at Cafe Bliss in Oakdale, California USA on Sunday, February 2, 2003
Released on Saturday, February 01, 2003 at Cafe Bliss in Oakdale, California USA.

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