The Hot Zone

by Richard Preston | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
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Registered by givebookstokids of Sister Bay, Wisconsin USA on 1/15/2006
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Journal Entry 1 by givebookstokids from Sister Bay, Wisconsin USA on Sunday, January 15, 2006
Releasing for the Warm Thoughts release challenge.

A highly infectious, deadly virus from the central Aftrican rain forest suddenly appears in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. There is no cure. In a few days 90% of its victims are dead. A secret military SWAT team of soldiers and scientists is mobilized to stop the outbreak of this exotic "hot" virus.

Journal Entry 2 by givebookstokids at Maytag Laundry Paradise & Main in West Bend, Wisconsin USA on Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Released 19 yrs ago (1/18/2006 UTC) at Maytag Laundry Paradise & Main in West Bend, Wisconsin USA



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