The Porcupine

by Julian Barnes | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 033032828x Global Overview for this book
Registered by MadamMuck of Longreach, Queensland Australia on 12/26/2005
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Journal Entry 1 by MadamMuck from Longreach, Queensland Australia on Monday, December 26, 2005
Received via Freecyle. Thanks very much Kelli.

From the back cover:

Stoyo Petkanov, the central character of Julian Barnes's new novella, is a satricial creation of genius. Three parts Todor Zhivkov, the ghastly former ruler of Bulgaria, to one part Alf Garnett, he is the deposed communist boss of a (nameless) Soviet satellite state. Imprisoned by this reform-minded successors, he is about to be put on trial. The proceedings are to be televised. For the chief prosecutor, Peter Solinsky, it is an opportunity for advancement under the new regime. For the watching millions, it is a chance to purge themselves of the past. For Petkanov, however, it is a stage from which he can appeal to History: "He wasn't going to play the part alloted him. He had a different script in mind." The Porcupine tells us what happens.

Journal Entry 2 by MadamMuck at Greenslopes BusWay Station in Greenslopes, Queensland Australia on Sunday, August 13, 2006

Released 18 yrs ago (8/13/2006 UTC) at Greenslopes BusWay Station in Greenslopes, Queensland Australia



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