44 Scotland Street

by Alexander McCall Smith | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0349118973 Global Overview for this book
Registered by andthings on 12/24/2005
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10 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by andthings on Saturday, December 24, 2005
Bought this after reading The 2 1/2 Pillars of Wisdom and have just loved Alexander McCall Smith books since. This book makes you really think about the lives of other people who live around you and what their lives entail. I hope there will be a second part to this eventually

Journal Entry 2 by andthings on Saturday, December 24, 2005
Bookring instructions (Thank you Catsalive)
1. SIGN UP for this bookring by sending me a Private Message. Order of participants will be juggled between geography, date of request and shipping limitations. Late additions may be added to the end of the list.
2. When the person before you on the list finishes reading the book, they will send you a Private Message for your postal address. If you no longer wish to read it or want your place in the list moved, let them (and me!) know and I will move you down/off the list.
3. WHEN YOU RECEIVE THE BOOK please make a journal entry so everyone knows it has safely arrived.
4. WHEN YOU FINISH THE BOOK, make another journal entry telling us what you thought - did you like it? Did you think it was well-written?
5. CONTINUE THE BOOKRING by sending a Private Message to the person after you on the bookring list and request their postal address. Please check back here for the latest distribution list. If the person doesn't respond within 7-10 days (use your judgement), please PM the next person, and then me, so I can update the bookring list.
6. END OF THE RING, Back to me

Here is the order for the bookring: red = finished, green = yet to read, blue = reading.

katayoun - iran - will ship international -
hengameh - iran - will ship international

Sirah - finland - int
pammykn - us - surface
tiatia - us - us only
Lobodyke - us - us only
LyekkaMarengo - us - ship anywhere

Journal Entry 3 by katayoun from Tehran, Tehran Iran on Thursday, February 2, 2006
here!!! very happy to see this :)(and it made it in a very good time, it seems that the books are getting here faster and faster, which makes me wonder if i should start worrying about the others....would not even go there) it also seems that my mailman is trying to keep contact with me to the minimum, as today i received 4 parcels and one mbag!!! (will not go there either :))
thanks alot andthings and this book would probably be here for a month, as i have 3 books before this (it's all my postman's fault. so till later

Journal Entry 4 by katayoun from Tehran, Tehran Iran on Sunday, February 12, 2006
started reading!

Journal Entry 5 by katayoun from Tehran, Tehran Iran on Tuesday, February 14, 2006
ready to be handed over to hengameh on thursday, will be back tomorrow for the rest of the journal entry

Journal Entry 6 by katayoun from Tehran, Tehran Iran on Friday, February 17, 2006
handed over to hengameh... and you should see her play pantomime!! :)

Journal Entry 7 by Hengameh from Tehran, Tehran Iran on Sunday, February 19, 2006
got it from katayoun. i'm so gald that i pushed myself into this ring!!!!

Journal Entry 8 by Hengameh from Tehran, Tehran Iran on Saturday, May 27, 2006
gone to next fellow BXer.thanks for sharing.

Journal Entry 9 by Sirah from Helsinki, Uusimaa / Nyland Finland on Monday, July 17, 2006
Received the book from Hengameh, thanks.

Journal Entry 10 by Sirah from Helsinki, Uusimaa / Nyland Finland on Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I found the book well written. Somehow I really like Alexander McCall Smith´s way of writing: simple characters, down to earth, cosy.

Thank you, Andthings for sharing the book. It is on its way to Pammykn.

Journal Entry 11 by pammykn from Decatur, Alabama USA on Monday, August 28, 2006
rec'd today -- have a few rings ahead of this but will get to soon. Thanks for sharing.

Journal Entry 12 by pammykn from Decatur, Alabama USA on Saturday, September 16, 2006
Enjoyed the amusing bunch of tenants residing at 44 Scotland Street. Not as good as other McCall books but still a nice pleasant read worth the time. Sending off to tiatia today. Thanks for sharing this book.

Journal Entry 13 by tiatia from Fredericksburg, Virginia USA on Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Just received as part of a bookring. It followed the arrival of the Kalahari Typing School for Men so I am in McCall Smith heaven.

Journal Entry 14 by Lobodyke from Bardstown, Kentucky USA on Friday, November 10, 2006
Oops ~ I had forgotten about signing up for this ring, but that's the fun of BookCrossing. I never know WHAT might arrive in the mail on any given day. I do have one ring ahead of this, but should still get to this fairly soon. Thanks for organizing it, andthings.

Journal Entry 15 by Lobodyke from Bardstown, Kentucky USA on Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I wasn't sure whether I would enjoy this book or not, but decided to give it a try because other BookCrossers had enjoyed it. It was definitely a pleasant surprise, and I like Smith's casual, yet precise, writing style. I'll definitely look to read more of his books now. For future readers, I recommend you read the preface to understand how Smith developed the novel. It's very understanding, and increased my enjoyment of the book. I added a wonderful bookmark made by Kbgoffe for other ray participants to enjoy.

Journal Entry 16 by Lobodyke at Fellow Bookcrosser in bookray/bookring, A Bookray -- Controlled Releases on Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Released 17 yrs ago (11/22/2006 UTC) at Fellow Bookcrosser in bookray/bookring, A Bookray -- Controlled Releases



Delivery Confirmation #0306-0320-0004-7906-0354

Journal Entry 17 by LyekkaMarengo from Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania USA on Monday, November 27, 2006
Arrived safe and sound in Central PA, USA. I have one other ring in front.

Journal Entry 18 by LyekkaMarengo from Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania USA on Tuesday, January 9, 2007
I finished this one last night. Although some of the characters were a little stereotyped I found this book very enjoyable. Knowing that it started as a newspaper serial made it a very interesting read. It also made for short little chapters and more than once sucked me into the "just one more chapter before I go to bed" syndrome. Smith's writing is wonderfully precise and the device of using the residents of a house as the jumping off point for the story works very well. There is a very diverse cast of characters that keep you interested and allow you to get to know them. From the intro it sounds like he was doing a continuation of the story and I would definately read that one too.

I haven't been able to get hold of andthings to get an address to send this book back to so I'll try to extend the ring.

Journal Entry 19 by LyekkaMarengo from Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania USA on Sunday, January 28, 2007
Extending the ring to:
KateKintail - US
PaulsBooks - US
(If you can't afford to ship the book to Australia sned it back to LyekkaMarengo)
franqipani08 - Australia

Journal Entry 20 by LyekkaMarengo from Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania USA on Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Mailed yesterday to KateKintail in Burke, VA. Enjoy

Journal Entry 21 by wingKateKintailwing from Burke, Virginia USA on Thursday, February 1, 2007
I received this in the mail today! I will start on it tomorrow. Thank you for including me in the bookring! :-)

Journal Entry 22 by wingKateKintailwing from Burke, Virginia USA on Monday, March 5, 2007
I enjoyed reading this book; didn't love it, but I definitely liked it a lot and am glad I got the change to read it!

I adore all things Scottish so this look at part of Edinburgh was very interesting. And I love character-driven novels, so this certainly pulled me in on that level. The short segments made it easy to put down and come back to each day. However, there were some characters I liked to read about more than others, and at the end, I found myself wanting just a little more as far as some storylines went. It was a fascinating way to write and present a story, and both dramatic and funny.

Thank you for extending the bookring! I PMed the next person for an address already and will send it out as soon as I get that :-)

Journal Entry 23 by tostle from Salt Lake City, Utah USA on Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Thanks LyekkaMarengo and KateKintail!

Journal Entry 24 by tostle from Salt Lake City, Utah USA on Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I enjoyed reading the vignettes...I was sad when the book ended! It was the perfect book to pick up, read a chapter or two, chuckle, and then go on!
Thanks for sharing this book with me.
I will be sending it on as soon as I have an address!

Journal Entry 25 by LyekkaMarengo from Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania USA on Thursday, June 21, 2007
According to my "notebook that tells me when to breath" I sent this book out sometime between April and May of this to pbjjwall. PM'd her to see if she ever received it.

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