Breathing Lessons
3 journalers for this copy...

Adding to jenvince's Anything Goes (#3) Paperback Bookbox.

This came home in my Anything Goes Paperback Bookbox!

The book arrived this past week while I was away on a business trip and was waiting for me when I got back home. Thank you jenvince!

I started out loving this book. Maggie, the main character, reminded me so much of my mother, only she doesn't meddle as much thank goodness. However, about 2/3 through the book, it seemed to run out of steam and drift off to nowhere.

Journal Entry 7 by CaptMom at Post Office on S. Florida Ave in Lakeland, Florida USA on Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Released 18 yrs ago (1/3/2007 UTC) at Post Office on S. Florida Ave in Lakeland, Florida USA
in the lobby area
in the lobby area