A Risk Worth Taking

by Robin Pilcher | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: 0312997264 Global Overview for this book
Registered by LastMango of Bonfield, Ontario Canada on 11/2/2005
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1 journaler for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by LastMango from Bonfield, Ontario Canada on Wednesday, November 2, 2005
This was passed along to me by my sister.

From the back of the book:

Dan Porter had it all: a big house in suburban London, a beautiful wife, three children in private school, and a high-paying job. But then, it all collapsed like a house of cards. Now Dan stays home while his angry wife pursues a career, and his marriage falters. Returning to his old profession could mend the rift, but Dan needs to do something else, something more...
Then, Dan hears about a company for sale in northern Scotland, and the temptation is too great to resist. With his son Josh and two dogs in tow, he lands in a primitive cottage above a frigid loch. As he takes stock of his past, he discovers a community who desperately needs his help, a new chance for the future, a risk that requires a leap of faith...and an astonishing love.

Journal Entry 2 by LastMango from Bonfield, Ontario Canada on Monday, February 2, 2009
A very enjoyable read.

Journal Entry 3 by LastMango at Foodland in Bobcaygeon, Ontario Canada on Saturday, February 14, 2009

Released 16 yrs ago (2/14/2009 UTC) at Foodland in Bobcaygeon, Ontario Canada



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