20 Letters to a Friend
3 journalers for this copy...
The daughter of Stalin describes her life in the Sovjetunion in letters to a friend. The book is written 1967, after she moved to USA.
I read the book 1973 and I thougt the description of Stalin as a loving father was interesting...... Have no idea what I would think of it today.
This will be a BookRay if anyone wants it.
Deltagare i BookRay "20 letters to a friend" by Svetlana Alliluyeva
-LESEHEST, Norge - finished
-ragsrobin, Norge - reading
-miramarmora, Norge
-annelis, Finland
Även här finns det plats för fler intresserade.
I read the book 1973 and I thougt the description of Stalin as a loving father was interesting...... Have no idea what I would think of it today.
This will be a BookRay if anyone wants it.
Deltagare i BookRay "20 letters to a friend" by Svetlana Alliluyeva
-LESEHEST, Norge - finished
-ragsrobin, Norge - reading
-miramarmora, Norge
-annelis, Finland
Även här finns det plats för fler intresserade.
Journal Entry 2 by LESEHEST from Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag fylke Norway on Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Thanx for sending the book:)
Looking forward to read it...
Looking forward to read it...
Journal Entry 3 by mirthful from Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag fylke Norway on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Just had this from lesehest, so it's another one for the TBR pile. It's not the first that's going to be read just now (something more urgent in the pile, unfortunately), but in a week or so I should be ready for it.
Journal Entry 4 by LESEHEST from Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag fylke Norway on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Gave this one to ragsrobin today... Hope she will enjoy reading it.
I found the book a bit hard in the beginning, but as I "got to know" Svetlana better, the book got more and more interesting; and in the end I really liked it. The story wasn`t very happy, though, but she sure had some nice memories and good moments with her father. The book is a good example on how people in telling their lifestory get to understand their own situation more, and creates their own reality, like Svetlana did thru (spelling!!!) her writing.
I found the book a bit hard in the beginning, but as I "got to know" Svetlana better, the book got more and more interesting; and in the end I really liked it. The story wasn`t very happy, though, but she sure had some nice memories and good moments with her father. The book is a good example on how people in telling their lifestory get to understand their own situation more, and creates their own reality, like Svetlana did thru (spelling!!!) her writing.