Breathing Lessons

by Anne Tyler | Literature & Fiction |
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Registered by awakeagain of Port Murray, New Jersey USA on 10/22/2005
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by awakeagain from Port Murray, New Jersey USA on Saturday, October 22, 2005
Maggie Moran's mission is to connect and unite people, whether they want to be united or not. Maggie is a meddler and as she and her husband, Ira, drive 90 miles to the funeral of an old friend, Ira contemplates his wasted life and the traffic, while Maggie hatches a plant to reunite her son Jesse with his long-estranged wife and baby. As Ira explains, "She thinks the people she loves are better than they really are, and so then she starts changing things around to suit her view of them." Though everyone criticizes her for being "ordinary," Maggie's ability to see the beauty and potential in others ultimately proves that she is the only one fighting the resignation they all fear. The book captured the Pulitzer Prize for literature in 1989.

Journal Entry 2 by awakeagain from Port Murray, New Jersey USA on Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Anne Tyler is probably my daughter's favorite author and she's growing on me as well. Her stories tend to be quiet pieces of everyday life but her characters are true and honest, people you might see everyday, people you might know.

This story takes place over about 10 to 12 hours but it packs in a lifetime. The story opens with Maggie and Ira on their way to Maggie's friend's husband's funeral which turns out to be more like a high school reunion.

Their meanderings there and back and what we learn about Ira, Maggie, love, life and marriage is what makes the book a winner.

Journal Entry 3 by awakeagain from Port Murray, New Jersey USA on Sunday, November 27, 2005
Reserved for a Trade Paperback bookbox - Mailed 12/5/05

Journal Entry 4 by gothamgal on Friday, January 27, 2006
Taken out of the Trade paperback bookbox.

I like Tyler and can't wait to read it.

Journal Entry 5 by gothamgal on Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Taking on my California Bookcrossing Adventure, Version 2.0...

Journal Entry 6 by wingAnonymousFinderwing on Wednesday, January 2, 2008
this was a goo read i found it on a fire extinguisher box in the mall i do security at decided to read it i then placed it back out around the property it is now gone probably picked up by sombody who will hopefully enjoy it as much as i did


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