Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
2 journalers for this copy...

not sure yet...

couldn't do it - and life's too short to force your way through stuff that doesn't cut it. This is what I like to call an "Uncle Albert" book: its really more than one book, but either the author or the editor didn't notice in time. Its far too long, and there are too many things that are unexplained. More, the whole relationship between Strange and Norrell just gets in the way. Or perhaps its the whole war thing that is in the way of a book about friendship. And that's really the problem. Clarke doesn't know what the book is about - how should I??

sending off to ozone-nut as a thank you. enjoy!!

what deenbat doesn't say is that it is a "thank you" for something I haven't actually done and therefore not entirely deserved!
Should you get your yarn act together, deenbat, the offer is still there!
Thanks for the book, I shall see if I can get on with it better than you did.
Should you get your yarn act together, deenbat, the offer is still there!
Thanks for the book, I shall see if I can get on with it better than you did.

I tried. I really did. Several times. But in the end the dratted foot notes got to me and I threw in the towel.
Today I read that one of the UK Bookcrossers was looking for the book so I'm going to send it off to her.
Today I read that one of the UK Bookcrossers was looking for the book so I'm going to send it off to her.