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by Linda Nagata | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
ISBN: 1857987454 Global Overview for this book
Registered by natecull of Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on 6/11/2005
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by natecull from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Saturday, June 11, 2005

Aboard Null Boundary, a giant starship thousands of years old, four survivors of an ancient alien war are making a desperate journey.

Ahead of them loom vast, lightless clouds of dust and gas where stars are born, and where the alien Chenzeme are believed to live. Behind them a courser, one of the Chenzeme's lethal automated warships that have ravaged the living worlds of the galaxy's Orion arm for millions of years.

Why are the Chenzeme destroying everything they can? Null Boundary's crew must find out before humanity is wiped from the face of the universe.

Journal Entry 2 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Thursday, February 16, 2006
Picked up at tonight's meetup.

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Journal Entry 3 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Saturday, June 30, 2007
Found this book pretty hard going - it just never really captured my attention. A pity, because it should have been a good book. The scale (in both time and space) was suitably epic, it explored some interesting ideas about the intersection of technology and life... but I just wasn't interested enough in either the characters or the story.

I also spent most of the book trying to figure out whether or not it was a sequel. There's nothing on the cover to say it is, but it certainly felt like one - there's a lot of reference all the way through to the characters' backstory, written in a way that implies the reader already knows about it. [Ok, a quick Google has shown me that it is in fact a sequel, to Deception Well - would be nice if the cover of the book had told me that!]

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