The Porcupine
Registered by Peterbdvp of Brisbane, Queensland Australia on 2/19/2005
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

1 journaler for this copy...

Not as good as some of Julian Barnes' other work, but still better better than most other novels.

Journal Entry 2 by Peterbdvp at Bus Stop, Lutwyche (See Release Notes For Details) in Lutwyche, Queensland Australia on Sunday, February 27, 2005
Released 19 yrs ago (2/27/2005 UTC) at Bus Stop, Lutwyche (See Release Notes For Details) in Lutwyche, Queensland Australia
On Lutwyche Rd, near Thistle St, opposite the main entrance to Lutwyche City. I went back to the car park behind the bus stop, and as I drove away, I saw a man walk up to the bench, pick the book up, look at the stickers on the outside, and put in his own bag. So it was already caught within minutes. Whether he notes the capture here remains to be seen.
On Lutwyche Rd, near Thistle St, opposite the main entrance to Lutwyche City. I went back to the car park behind the bus stop, and as I drove away, I saw a man walk up to the bench, pick the book up, look at the stickers on the outside, and put in his own bag. So it was already caught within minutes. Whether he notes the capture here remains to be seen.