Seven Years In Tibet
by heinrich harrer | Travel | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0874778883 Global Overview for this book
ISBN: 0874778883 Global Overview for this book
Registered by RutledgeCoffee of Charleston, South Carolina USA on 2/12/2005
This Book is Currently in the Wild!

2 journalers for this copy...

Journal Entry 1 by RutledgeCoffee from Charleston, South Carolina USA on Saturday, February 12, 2005
Donated to the Rutledge Coffee and Cream Bookcrossing zone. Thank you!
Thanks for picking this book up and for coming to the journal. Please journal what you think and maybe even consider becoming a bookcrossing member (it doesn't cost anything to join). Then set the book free; maybe give it to a friend, leave it at a bus stop, or bring it back here It's great fun and a world wide community of bookcrossers. Welcome!
PS If you join, and others journal on this book, you can watch as it travels!
Thanks for picking this book up and for coming to the journal. Please journal what you think and maybe even consider becoming a bookcrossing member (it doesn't cost anything to join). Then set the book free; maybe give it to a friend, leave it at a bus stop, or bring it back here It's great fun and a world wide community of bookcrossers. Welcome!
PS If you join, and others journal on this book, you can watch as it travels!

Picked this up at the meet-up

Journal Entry 3 by
at Rutledge Coffee & Cream; 511 Rutledge Ave in Charleston, South Carolina USA on Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Released 19 yrs ago (3/9/2005 UTC) at Rutledge Coffee & Cream; 511 Rutledge Ave in Charleston, South Carolina USA
I really meant to read this, but just got three bookrings in, so am letting it go out to the shelf at Rutledge Coffee.
I really meant to read this, but just got three bookrings in, so am letting it go out to the shelf at Rutledge Coffee.

This one was gone, but now is back and available for pickup!

Journal Entry 5 by RutledgeCoffee at Rutledge Coffee & Cream; 511 Rutledge Ave in Charleston, South Carolina USA on Monday, August 22, 2005
Released 19 yrs ago (8/22/2005 UTC) at Rutledge Coffee & Cream; 511 Rutledge Ave in Charleston, South Carolina USA
Released today at Rutledge Coffee and Cream to help restock the shelf.
Released today at Rutledge Coffee and Cream to help restock the shelf.