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The Trough

by Jon Gadsby | Humor | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
Registered by rarsberry of Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on 1/17/2005
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by rarsberry from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Monday, January 17, 2005
Written by a New Zealand author and set in New Zealand.

Might send this book off to the USA convention.

Released at the Convention Meetup dinner at the Dux de Lux.

Journal Entry 2 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Friday, March 25, 2005
Picked up from the table at the NZBC Convention welcome. I've never read anything by Jon Gadsby, so it might be interesting...

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Journal Entry 3 by futurecat from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Saturday, January 17, 2009
Wow, I've had this on Mt TBR for longer than I thought! Anyway, I've finally read it, and unfortunately, it wasn't really worth the wait. Mildly humorous political farce of the Tom Sharpe style.

Oh well, maybe its next reader will enjoy it more.

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Journal Entry 4 by futurecat at Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Saturday, January 17, 2009

Released 16 yrs ago (1/17/2009 UTC) at Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand



Adding to the NZ book collection for the convention.

Happy bookcrossing to the finder!

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Journal Entry 5 by Chch2009-Con from Christchurch, Canterbury New Zealand on Saturday, January 17, 2009
Reserved for the 2009 Bookcrossing Convention.

Journal Entry 6 by Aon on Friday, April 17, 2009
Caught it at the convention. Looks good so far. Thanks!

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