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The Robber Bride

by Margaret Atwood | Literature & Fiction |
ISBN: Global Overview for this book
Registered by dolphin-au of Lake Macquarie, New South Wales Australia on 12/19/2004
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4 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by dolphin-au from Lake Macquarie, New South Wales Australia on Sunday, December 19, 2004
Great book.

Journal Entry 2 by dolphin-au at by mail, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases on Thursday, April 2, 2009

Released 15 yrs ago (4/2/2009 UTC) at by mail, A Bookbox -- Controlled Releases



Sent to crimson-tide as part of the OZVBB. Enjoy!

Journal Entry 3 by wingcrimson-tidewing from Balingup, Western Australia Australia on Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Arrived safely today after the Easter break. Thanks dolphin-au.
Another 1001 book (original list) to heave onto the TBR stack.

Exploring the paradox of female villainy, this tale of three fascinating women is another peerless display of literary virtuosity by the supremely gifted author of Cat's Eye and The Handmaid's Tale. Roz, Charis and Tony all share a wound, and her name is Zenia. Beautiful, smart and hungry, by turns manipulative and vulnerable, needy and ruthless, Zenia is the turbulent center of her own neverending saga. She entered their lives in the sixties, when they were in college. Over the three decades since, she has damaged each of them badly, ensnaring their sympathy, betraying their trust, and treating their men as loot. Then Zenia dies, or at any rate the three women -- with much relief -- attend her funeral. But as The Robber Bride begins, Roz, Charis and Tony have come together at a trendy restaraunt for their monthly lunch when in walks the seemingly resurrected Zenia . . .

Journal Entry 4 by wingcrimson-tidewing at Balingup, Western Australia Australia on Saturday, April 6, 2019
A twist on the tale of the Robber Bridegroom, this is an excellent book, wonderful in both its conception and execution, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent reading it.

Margaret Atwood's prose is insightful, razor sharp, and witty. The story is of four very disparate women and how one of them, Zenia, wreaks havoc in the lives of the other three and almost destroys them. The four women are described in depth, including (apart from Zenia) extended back-stories, and done so skilfully they become fully alive. Zenia is one of the best villains around: a cold, ruthless, psychopathic predator, bordering on evil. Her way of insinuating herself into others lives and then taking what she wants is truly disturbing, but so brilliantly done. Her actions bond the other three women, Tony, Charis and Roz, into a friendship group which is a joy to see - an unlikely combination of characters who forgive each other their foibles and act with real love and compassion over the decades.

Journal Entry 5 by wingcrimson-tidewing at Balingup, Western Australia Australia on Saturday, April 6, 2019

Released 5 yrs ago (4/8/2019 UTC) at Balingup, Western Australia Australia


Off to New Zealand as wish list tag, and hopefully to another appreciative reader.

Journal Entry 6 by wingEdwardstreetwing at Wellington City, Wellington Province New Zealand on Thursday, May 2, 2019

Released 5 yrs ago (6/4/2019 UTC) at Ministry of Education in Lower Hutt, Wellington Province New Zealand


Four women and their intersecting lives over several decades. Zenia is evil and her victims support each other. Zenia remains a mystery but the author tells the backstory of the other three.
Skillfully written and intriguing to the end.

Taking to BC meet-up at Trax Cafe at Wellington Station.
If a member present does not 'catch' this book there is one member who will take the book to her release place somewhere in Wellington City.

Edited to add that I did not 100% enjoy this book but then that happens to me often with Margaret Atwood's books. Glad to see that more discerning readers than I did find it more interesting than I did.
Hope it will find more favour with the next reader.
Travel safely little book.

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