The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, Book 2)

by Phillip Pullman | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
ISBN: 0345413369 Global Overview for this book
Registered by abs of Seattle, Washington USA on 12/18/2004
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3 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by abs from Seattle, Washington USA on Saturday, December 18, 2004
This is the second of a series.
I read the first book of the His Dark Materials trilogy about 3 years ago for a children's lit course in college. I liked it (The Golden Compass), but I knew I was not yet ready for another scary and emotional read like the first book. So I had a copy of the Subtle Knife and brought it to read over Christmas last year (the year before?) to my mother in law's house in New Hampshire. Well, that's where I am now. And I ran out of books to read (that I'd brought with me), so I read the Subtle Knife last night. Wow, was it ever good.

I won't spoil it for anyone. It is sufficient to say that I loved the book and now wonder where I can get my hands on a copy of the Amber Spyglass.

Journal Entry 2 by LeLoLai on Monday, June 27, 2005
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am very much looking forward to reading this!

I'm almost done with a bookring book and as soon as I finish the last page I'm starting on this one! It's going to bump everything on my TBR down a turn :-D

I'll keep an eye out for the third book in the series...

Journal Entry 3 by LeLoLai on Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Thanks so much for sending this my way! I loved, loved, loved it!
The ending almost killed me- I nearly ran to the bookstore right then because I wanted to find out what happened next! I finished it at work- I read the second to last chapter on the morning commute and then couldn't wait until the afternoon to finish :-)

I'm just itching to read the third book- the books on my TBR are probably hoping I never get my hands on it 'cause they know it'll bump them down another turn LOL :-D

Journal Entry 4 by thebiblioholic from Riverdale, New York USA on Friday, August 12, 2005
Picked it up at the juliebaretto mini meetup in Manhattan.

Released 18 yrs ago (5/9/2006 UTC) at Controlled Release in Given To A Friend, Friend -- Controlled Releases



Gave this to a friend who wanted to read this series.

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