Camp Fear
Registered by embyr on 8/26/2002
1 journaler for this copy...

Every summer friends of mine would go off to summer camps, and I'd stay home, except for the occasional weekend at Girl Scout Camp.
I loved camping the few times I did get to go. When we went to the camps that were all set up, I envisioned myself as a counselor when I grew up.
This book is about a group of counselors at one camp, the week before the campers arrive. Many of them had gone to the camp one summer when they were kids...the summer that one of the campers died.
And now someone is trying to kill them...
I loved camping the few times I did get to go. When we went to the camps that were all set up, I envisioned myself as a counselor when I grew up.
This book is about a group of counselors at one camp, the week before the campers arrive. Many of them had gone to the camp one summer when they were kids...the summer that one of the campers died.
And now someone is trying to kill them...